Libra Articles

The Best End of Season Adventure for Your Sign

The leaves may be changing, perhaps the flowers are beginning to bloom or the weather is becoming fickle in its decisions. The end of any season brings with it new needs for specific adventure. Because every person inhabits a different part of the globe, we encounter seasons in a different

How Your Sign Can Work Against You In An Interview

There is hardly anything as exciting, or as nerve racking, as an interview for a new job. If all goes well, you might find that 15 minutes of charming conversation, and intriguing answers to the employer’s questions, lands you a shiny new job, giving you hope and opportunity for the

The Perfect Date for Your Lover, Based on Their Sign

Every sign in the zodiac is exquisitely unique, especially when it comes to romance and dating. Dinner and a movie have always been a classic go-to for an ideal date, but why not think outside the box? Why not plan a tailor-made, original and exciting date for your lover?  Allow

Your Worst Fear Based on Your Zodiac Sign

When asked what our worst fear is, most of us would respond with something tangible, like spiders, snakes or a fear of heights. If you really looked inside yourself though, your real fears may run a little deeper, but they’re harder to discuss. Some fears are more emotional, or tied

Your Best Friend From History Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ever wonder who you are most compatible with from a bestie standpoint? Have you ever wondered why you and your bestie seem to be just so sympatico ALL the time? Today we are going to look at zodiac sign compatibility from a best friend perspective, with a twist. To give

What Art Piece Represents Your Zodiac Sign?

Art is everywhere – in commercial ads, on billboards, on the walls as you walk to work – you’d be hard-pressed not to notice it on any given day.  While we are all drawn to different styles, mediums, and eras of artwork, have you ever wondered if your choices have

How Each Zodiac Sign Will Break Your Heart

In love, we all have the capability of capturing someone’s heart, wooing them with our positive qualities. On the flip side, we are just as capable of breaking hearts when the shadow sides of our zodiac sign come out to play. We can repeat patterns of hurting lovers and even

3 Songs That Define Your Zodiac Sign

You don’t have to be a musician to understand the magic that music can bring to our lives. Listening to the right song at a key moment in your life can have a transformative effect. A well-timed, thoughtful love song may solidify a burgeoning love affair, just as a high

You’re Using Your Horoscope Wrong! Here’s How to Fix it

Have you ever read your daily or weekly horoscope in the paper or even on our site here, and thought to yourself that this doesn’t sound like you or your situation at all? Maybe you read that you’re going to meet someone new and exciting, but you’re already in a

What Your Zodiac Sign and the Planets Reveal About Your Health

Hello again, friends! Welcome to another instalment of ‘Ask Charla’. You probably already know what Sun sign you are. You might even know your Sun sign’s ruling planet. However, did you know that every Sun sign corresponds to a different area of the body? If you are familiar with the

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