Zodiac Signs Articles

Your Holiday Party Personality, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We all love those holiday party movies where the right combination of personalities makes for some hilarious antics and memories. Imagine your zodiac sign as a character in one of those ensemble cast films. Who would be the Gossip, the Party Animal, or the Nursemaid? With holiday events in full

brunette woman with bright red lipstick against a yellow background winking and smiling

What to Expect Astrologically in January 2024

Welcome to 2024, Lovelies! The month ahead is marked by pink and purple hues as the Sun rises and sets in the January sky, casting a vibrant backdrop for energies that will unfold. A dynamic era ends this month as both personal and global spheres welcome transformational change. A number

stack of blue tarot cards on a wooden table surronded by trinkets

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for December 25th – 31st, 2023

There are many powerful ways to start our week, but a Full Moon definitely takes the cake. This Full Moon in Cancer will ensue on the 26th, prompting us to focus on the family and our homes, perhaps retreating back into our emotional shells in some ways. However, this emotional

Which Holiday Movie Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

The holidays are upon us. It’s time for sharing, good food, presents, traditions, reflection, and – the all-important – festive films! Every zodiac sign enjoys a good Christmas movie to get them in the mood. Toasting marshmallows and curling up by the fire just isn’t the same without a feel-good

blue tarot card on a blue table surrounded by trinkets and candles

Your Weekly Tarotscope: December 18th – 24th, 2023

The infamous words “Mercury retrograde” are still in play. Mercury’s retrograde will move into Sagittarius on the 23rd, indicating a need for extra thoughtfulness and tact (as you may otherwise find yourself more easily prone to jumping to conclusions or saying things you don’t mean). Thankfully, Capricorn season will also

blue tarot cards spread across a wooden table with candles

Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 11th – 17th, 2023

This week, we have two keywords to describe the energy ahead: expand and reflect. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th expands our horizons and opens us up to new ideas. Trust your instincts (especially any yearning for passionate adventure) that comes your way. Additionally, Mercury in Capricorn will

blue tarot cards spread out on a white table

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 4th – 10th, 2023

It’s time to get deep — ready to open your eyes… and your heart too? Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter brooding, romantic Scorpio on the 4th, launching us into an intense, self-reflective, and transformative time that can prompt us to grow more intentionally in our personal

a stack of blue tarot cards on a white table beside candles and crystals

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 27th – December 3rd, 2023

We can’t start every week off with as big of a bang as a Full Moon… but this week, we can! This Full Moon in Gemini will take place on the 27th, offering us a prime opportunity to sort through our plans, thoughts, and ideas.  This usually very cerebral, intellectual,

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