Zodiac Signs Articles

hand holding up a spread of blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 6th – 12th, 2023

When was the last time you engaged in a radical act of self-care? This week, Venus (planet of love and beauty) will enter its home turf, Libra, on the 8th. There isn’t that much else astrologically of note happening this week, which means we have a lot of time on

pink jack-o-lantern bucket tipped over spilling pink-covered candy

Which Halloween Candy Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

One of the very best parts of Halloween is the guilt-free candy binge we allow ourselves to indulge in. After all, it only happens once a year! Halloween also allows adults to access and celebrate their inner child and wild sense of imagination. You can be anything you want on

blue tarot cards spread on a white table covered in candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 30 – November 5, 2023

Perhaps the spookiest week of the year is here, but how do we ensure that it’s all treat and no trick? Amidst the brooding, deep, and intense Scorpio season, we’ll celebrate Halloween or Samhain (depending on your practices and beliefs) at the beginning of this week. Afterward, we’ll enter the

woman with red hair and pale skin with her eyes closed

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About THIS Upcoming Lunar Eclipse

On October 28th, 2023, we’ll experience a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and this is a significant eclipse. It’s the third Taurus Lunar Eclipse we’ve had in three years (starting in 2021) and the last eclipse we’ll have in Taurus (it’ll be eight years before we have another Taurus eclipse). Lunar

pair of hands shuffling three blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 23 – 29, 2023

Hello, Scorpio season! This transformative, powerful, and emotionally attuned zodiac season rolls in on the 23rd, kicking our week off. But we’re sure that this astrological event is one that most of us could have predicted. So, what else then? Well, we’ll also be gifted the opportunity for financial and

This is the Healing Crystal You Need, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Each astrological sign has certain weaknesses that can be improved upon to bring about a more well-rounded, self-aware person, and crystals can help. If we’re prone to a bad temper, for example, certain crystals can help us remain calm. If we’re known to be lazy, we can use crystals to

a deck of blue tarot cards spread out on a blue velvet cloth beside a candle

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 16 – 22, 2023

Now is the time to get productive and reflective! Although this week’s beginnings are astrologically quiet, we have a few events of note toward the tail end of it. First, we’ll experience the Full Quarter Moon in Capricorn on the 21st, helping us consider how we’d like to get going

brunette person dancing in a gold outfit adorned with gold jewellery

EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

On October 14th, 2023, we’ll experience a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra! We’re finishing up the Taurus and Scorpio set of eclipses and moving into Aries and Libra. We already had an Aries Solar Eclipse earlier this year, so now it’s Libra’s turn. A New Moon occurs when

woman meditating in the desert

THIS Intense Transit Will Bring Major Transformation

Fiery Mars is moving into the Water sign Scorpio in a few days.   Mars is the planet of energy and drive in astrology. In your natal chart, Mars shows what drives you to take action and how exactly you act. In transit, Mars shows what you’re driven with at the

pair of hands holding out a spread of blue tarot cards over top a table covered with crystals and candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 9 – 15, 2023

This week’s astrological happenings won’t be ones that you want to miss. Pluto’s seemingly unending retrograde will finally come to a close on the 10th, and Mars will enter passionate and intense Scorpio on the 12th. Finally, the Solar eclipse in Libra will take place on the 14th. With so

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