Zodiac Signs Articles

woman with red eye shadow holding up pink and white roses

THIS Intense Transit is FINALLY Turning Direct

Have you been metaphorically wringing your hands and pulling out your hair during the challenging, often stressful Mercury retrograde period we are experiencing? While every astrological transit serves its purposes and teaches us a certain lesson, Mercury retrograde can be one of the most frustrating times of the year—and it

two people, one with long black hair and one with short curly blonde hair, standing together back to back

Your ESSENTIAL Love Horoscopes for Venus in Cancer

Have you been craving a shift in your love life? It’s time to get ready for change because Venus is moving into the loving, nurturing sign of Cancer on May 7th, bringing markedly different energy. When Venus – the planet of beauty and love – is in the domestic sign

woman with red hair lying down surrounded by esoteric items such as tarot cards and crystals

THIS Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is About to Change Things Up

The first Lunar eclipse of 2023 is coming in just a few days, and it’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! This is the last eclipse in Scorpio until 2031, so we’re moving forward after we’re done wrapping things up. It comes with many planetary events and pairs with

woman with long black hair and glasses staring ahead in question

These 6 Zodiac Signs Are the Smartest

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. From sexual appeal and attractiveness to adventurousness and openness, there are various traits across all zodiac signs. While each zodiac sign has strengths and weaknesses, when it comes to intellect, there are a few that are smarter than the rest. So,

couple sitting on a bed hugging each other and smiling with plants in the background

THIS Astrological Transit is About to Heat Up Your Love Life

When it comes to love and matters of the heart, we look to the movements of the planet Venus for insight. And she’s on the move yet again, this time into communicative, curious Gemini. Venus will be in witty Gemini on April 11th, 2023. As the planet of love, Venus

5 Tips to Survive the Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra is eclectic, social, and a bit magical – ushering in the culmination of energies we’ve accumulated over the past month. That sense of release and relief takes some pressure off of your spirit, allowing you to spread your wings and encouraging your most genuine self

brunette woman holding a finger up to her lips against a pink background

Your Guilty Pleasure, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

You probably know the traits and qualities associated with your zodiac sign. You probably read about them every day if you check your daily horoscope! We all have our good and shadow sides to show to the world, but what about what we do when we think no one is

THIS Powerful New Moon Will Help You Manifest Exactly What You Want

Is there a more enthusiastic, exciting time than the New Moon in Aries? This is a transit that amplifies and personifies the meaning of a “new start,” giving you a blank canvas from which to work. It’s a transit that brings the spring miracles you’ve been waiting for – whether

What is a Saturn Return & How to Navigate Yours

We each experience a unique mixture of planetary cycles and transits throughout a lifetime. You can imagine these life cycles as a rite of passage involving significant revelations, change, restructuring, and independence. In addition, many life cycles connect to planetary returns—the moment a planet travels through the zodiac and returns

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