Zodiac Signs Articles

pisces season

Are You Ready for Pisces Season? Here Are 6 Easy Ways to Prepare

Alright, folks, it’s time again to discuss a new astrological season, and this time we’re talking about sensitive, creative Pisces! We experience a different astrological season each month, even though the shifting of astrological seasons typically occurs in the latter part of the traditional month. This month, we experience the

Mercury is Entering THIS Psychic Zodiac Sign – What Does it Mean?

Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and rewarding, but they can also be disorienting and confusing — which is exactly what Mercury entering Pisces will probably feel like. Mercury, the mind and communication planet, may feel the opposite of being at home on February 14th, 2025, but that doesn’t mean

pair of hands dealing out a deck of black and gold tarot cards on a white table with crystals and candles

Your February 2025 Angel Card Reading Reveals Some Crucial Insights

Welcome to February, lovelies! It’s clear that we’ve been traveling through a higher energetic matrix, and February isn’t just another month or a “New Year check-in.” It’s a powerful call to action, urging us to integrate the unfolding changes in our lives. It’s anything but ordinary. This month, our angel

weekly tarotscope feb 10

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 10th – 16th, 2025

Powerful emotions, intense dreams, and the potential for essential epiphanies to come to the forefront… it certainly seems like a Full Moon is underway this week! This week, we’ll experience a Full Moon in Leo on the 12th, followed by Mercury entering dreamy Pisces on the 14th, too (easing us

man sitting on a pink cloud in purple jeans and a blue tank top

THIS Full Moon is About to Bring Confidence, Impulsiveness, & Crazy Passion

Are you ready? We hope you are because the Full Moon is dancing in our direction, ready to bubble over like a metaphorical healing bath, ready to soothe your muscles and strengthen your soul. And this time, it’s doing its little number in the feisty, charming sign of Leo, infusing

couple laying in bed together laughing and cuddling

Aquarius Love Compatibility 101: Everything You Need to Know

As we float on through Aquarius season, what better time than now is there to explore more about this intellectual, forward-thinking sign – and especially how it approaches romance? What does Aquarius love compatibility look like? This Air sign is intelligent and thoughtful, bringing their natural curiosity and wonderous nature

venus in aries

Can THIS Astrological Transit Actually Make You a Better Lover?

On February 4th, 2025, seduction heats the bedroom when the planet of love, Venus, meets bold and vibrant Aries. You can expect to feel renewed with confidence, enthusiasm, magnetism, and zeal. Venus in Aries gives a new meaning to love by bringing your wildest passions, inner desires, and sexual energy

weekly tarotscope feb 3

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 3rd – 9th, 2025

If there were just one word to describe this week, it’d be “open.” Venus will enter Aries on the 4th, love and enthusiasm and excitement abound! Aries is the first of the zodiac, ready for anything and receptive to trying new things. Coupled with Jupiter going direct on the same

aquarius birth chart

Where is Aquarius in Your Birth Chart?

People-focused, Airy, and the humanitarian heart of the zodiac, we could all use a bit more Aquarius energy in our lives. Whether or not you are aware of your Aquarius energy, however, it exists within all of us somewhere in our birth charts. The key is just to understand how

A girl with white hair and skin crouches over her knee holding a flower.

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 27th – February 2nd, 2025

We have a very eventful week full of astrological shifts and transits, so you can expect the energy to be extra intense and charged. But as always, that doesn’t mean it is a bad or negative thing. You just need to find a way to navigate these territories as smoothly

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