Zodiac Signs Articles

sagittarius season crystals

5 Essential Crystals to Harness the Energy of Sagittarius Season

Each sign has its own strengths, and they all affect our lives differently. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and expansion, which urges us to open our hearts and our minds. This energy is bold and brash, as Sagittarians are typically known for their honest, frank nature.

december energy forecast

Find Out What the Stars Have in Store For December 2024

December is creeping in fast, beautiful gems, bringing the year to a stunning close! The world around us evolves in spectacular ways, unveiling wonders, miracles, and the limitless potential of life. The sky this month beams with delicate hues of rose quartz, fuchsia, and soft coral hues. Just step outside

us election astrology

The SHOCKING Astrology of the US Election: Donald Trump & Kamala Harris

The world is pretty wrapped up in the U.S. presidential election, and we’re now looking at choosing between Republican nominee Donald Trump, who seeks to win again after losing four years ago, and Democrat Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and unexpected nominee after President Joe Biden opted to end

jealous zodiac signs

Why People Are Jealous of You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Every single person has a great quality or trait that they exude as they go through life. You can be proud of the traits or abilities that come easily to you and envious of those characteristics that other people seem to have that you wish you possessed. Today we are

weekly tarotscope november 4

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 4th – 10th, 2024

As the first full week of November rolls around, there are a couple of essential themes and energies we’ll be holding close to our chest. For one thing, autumn energy is in full swing — spiritually, a time of harvest and slowing down. Now is the time to reap what

mars in leo

THIS Passionate Transit is About to Shake Things Up – Here’s How

We hope you are ready for an exciting time on November 3rd because Mars, the planet of passion and energy, is entering the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. Whirlwind romances are on the horizon for many, but there’s so much more than love and romance in the air this summer

mercury in sagittarius

Discover What This Upcoming Mercury Transit Means For You

Think about all of the relationships you have in your life, from romantic to professional, from those that infuse your spirit with connection, intimacy, and joy to those that may even fill you with dread, anger, or jealousy. What do all of these relationships have in common? Communication. Whether that

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