Pisces Articles

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Leo

The Sun is about to move into Leo, meaning Leo season is arriving, and it’s time to break out the party hats and start celebrating! If you’re a Leo yourself, it’s your time to shine right now, letting your luminous personality light up every corner of any room you enter.

Your Dark Side, Based on Your Moon Sign

Your Moon sign refers to the placement of the Moon at the time of your birth – that is, the constellation, or sign, that the Moon was in at the very moment that you entered this world. The Moon rules our emotions and connects to our shadows, so it only

man in all red standing against a red backdrop

You NEED to Read THIS Horoscope for Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

The planet of restriction and responsibility, Saturn, is going to start a retrograde period in just a few days, on June 29th, 2024. This will last until November 15th, 2024, entirely in the zodiac sign of Pisces. So, what exactly does that mean? About Saturn in Astrology Saturn is the

mars in pisces

Discover Your Deepest Sexual Desires with Mars in Pisces

On the 22nd, the warrior archetype Mars will dive deep into the cosmic ocean of intuitive Pisces. This transit provides new energy that deals with the embodiment of our sexual desires in a more intuitive and spiritual nature, along with confronting how we display anger, express ourselves, and assert power.

woman floating in a large pool of water

Your Essential Guide to the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Who would want to, or could possibly, live a life without water? Water is essential for survival, and it’s one of the most beautiful and necessary gifts that we have on this abundant globe. In astrology, like in life, water is an essential component. Each zodiac sign in astrology is

pisces birth chart

Do You Have Pisces in Your Birth Chart?

Last but certainly not least of the zodiac, sweet and sensitive Pisces is not a sign you’ll want to overlook in your birth chart. That’s right: even if you haven’t related to any qualities of the psychic and compassionate sign of the fish before, you may be closer to this

pair of hands holding a piggybank

How to Make Money in 2024, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever felt like you were in the wrong job? Maybe you took a job to learn a specific skill. Or, maybe it was simply to pay the bills (that’s a reality in life that doesn’t need a spiritual purpose). At any rate, if you have ever found yourself

pink jack-o-lantern bucket tipped over spilling pink-covered candy

Which Halloween Candy Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

One of the very best parts of Halloween is the guilt-free candy binge we allow ourselves to indulge in. After all, it only happens once a year! Halloween also allows adults to access and celebrate their inner child and wild sense of imagination. You can be anything you want on

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