Sagittarius Articles

blonde woman in a white shirt and green skirt dancing gleefully with confetti in the air

How to Boost Your Mood, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever had one of those days where it felt like you were all over the map emotionally, physically, or spiritually? The kind of day where no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find that silver lining? We’ve all been there before. Let’s have a look at how

A black woman closes her eyes in pleasure as she enters through a shiny, glittery silver door covering.

These 6 Zodiac Signs are Most Compatible with Pisces

One of the most loving signs of the zodiac is easy-going Pisces. Pisces are a gift to this world because of their ability to see beauty where others would not. Their creative, open minds allow them a unique sensory experience of being human, so the zodiac signs that are compatible

new moon ritual

Which New Moon Ritual You Should Do, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The New Moon occurs once a month and marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This is an excellent time to set your intentions for the upcoming month and let go of the energies that were built during the last cycle!  The reason that a New Moon ritual is

THIS is How to Read Your Birth Chart Like an Astrologer

Have you heard the term natal chart or birth chart being thrown around lately? What’s your initial reaction to this word? Perhaps you’re whispering— “Birth chart! What on Earth is that?” or Maybe you’re an astrology pro who is super excited to be reading this article because you know exactly

sagittarius new moon

Are You Ready to Tackle THIS Powerful Upcoming New Moon?

What happens when the fiery archer of the zodiac connects to the emotional, intuitive energy of the New Moon? Magic happens!  And that’s what we’re here to talk about today: the mystical nature of the Sagittarius New Moon, which is arriving on December 1st, 2024. The Moon represents the emotional

Sagittarius love compatibility

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a Fire sign with an infectious spirit that charms and delights those they spend their time with. Their innate positivity spreads around them like wildfire, infusing their friends, family, and colleagues with an energetic sense of optimism and hope. If you’ve ever known a Sagittarius, you’re likely well

zodiac signs secrets

This is What People Secretly Think About You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered what people really think about you? While we all give off certain vibes, your zodiac sign can reveal unique qualities that shape how others perceive you—sometimes in surprising ways! Let’s dive into the hidden thoughts people may have about each sign, from the warm admiration felt

sagittarius season crystals

5 Essential Crystals to Harness the Energy of Sagittarius Season

Each sign has its own strengths, and they all affect our lives differently. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and expansion, which urges us to open our hearts and our minds. This energy is bold and brash, as Sagittarians are typically known for their honest, frank nature.

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