Birth Chart Articles

The Gemini/Cancer Cusp: Spoken Emotions

People born on the cusp of two signs often exhibit a unique combination of characteristics of both signs. In the case of the Gemini and Cancer cusp, they experience intellect and quick-wit from airy Gemini that balances with the emotional, loyal, and sensitive nature of watery Cancer. They often struggle

The Intuitive Houses: How the 4th, 8th, & 12th Houses Affect You

Astrology is a many-layered, complex thing. To some degree, everyone has an idea of astrology. You may know your Sun Sign as indicated by the day you were born, or your Rising Sign as indicated by the hour you were born. But astrology is more than just signs and planets.

Top 46 Gemini Celebrities Who Embody Their Zodiac Sign Perfectly

​Gemini season spans between May 21 and June 20. Those who fall under the Gemini Sun sign have brilliant minds, and are known to have the potential to reach great success. They are the chattiest of all the signs and love to socialize! We’ve rounded up 46 Gemini celebrities, and

Mars in Pisces Love Horoscopes: Active Romance

We may be heading into retrograde season, but, thanks to headstrong Mars, your love life will be anything but slow! On May 13, action-oriented Mars moves into Pisces, a flowing Water sign. Mars stays in Pisces until June 27, and this is the last sign Mars will be in before

What Color Is Your Aura? It Depends on Your Moon Sign!

When you meet someone for the first time, do you notice how bubbly and upbeat they come across before they even open their mouth? Or if you walk into an office, do you get a sense of someone sitting in the corner who you can immediately tell is unhappy or

How to Get an Astrology Reading When You Don’t Know Your Birth Time

As you become interested in astrology, at some point you may think you’d love to get an astrology reading with a professional astrologer. You reach out, excited as can be, ready to learn more about yourself and your birth chart, only to find that since you don’t have a birth

The Relationship Houses: How the 3rd, 7th, & 11th Houses Affect You

Are you new to the world of astrology? If you are, we’d like to welcome you to this fantastic, mystical world of the stars. It can be hard or even overwhelming when you step into the celestial land of planets and aspects, as there is a vast array of information

Flames & Fields: The Aries/Taurus Cusp

If you were born between the 17th and the 23rd of April, you may have a hard time identifying fully with your Sun sign. Maybe you look at both the Aries and Taurus sections of the horoscope, finding that each speaks to you in a certain way, or that you

All About the 7th House of Partnerships in Astrology

Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again with the people in your life? Do you ever wonder why you seem to attract (or be attracted to) the same type of person? We all do! But the answer may lie within your birth chart and, specifically,

Using Your Rising Sign to Accept & Adapt to Change

The Rising Sign is a very important sign in a person’s natal chart, though it has been often been overlooked in the past as there has been more focus on the Sun Sign. Unlike the Sun Sign which is determined by the month and season you were born, the Rising

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