Birth Chart Articles

How to Be a Boss, Based on Your Saturn Sign

The planet Saturn often gets a bad rap in astrology. Usually, it is classified as the planet of rules and restrictions. Many people get intimidated by upcoming Saturn transits believing it may bring hardships, more work, or just no fun. I’d like to challenge that mentality. Saturn may bring challenges,

What Major Arcana Card Are You, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

Have you ever found overlap between two mystical systems that seemed to have nothing in common but actually shared more insight when combined? For instance, if you’re a fan of the Tarot, you may have noticed some astrological correlations between the Tarot cards and the zodiac signs. Bold, beautiful, and

8 Unfair Myths About Leo & Why You Should Let Them Go

It’s Leo season! This means it’s time to dispel some of the circulating myths about Leos. Negative stereotypes in astrology are often a narrow perspective of any of the zodiac signs. The Leo zodiac sign has numerous positive traits and some that are just simply misunderstood. It’s time to dig

What is Your Descendant in Astrology?

Every part of your birth chart shows something about yourself and your life, and each position rules something different. The three aspects of your Primal Triad– your Sun sign (your inner self), your Moon sign (your emotional self), and your Ascendant sign (your outer self)–forms the basis of who you

You Need to Watch Out for These 3 Major July Transits

​With sweet, emotional, and empathetic Cancer season taking up most of July, you may think that things can’t get more intense. In July, we can expect some standard astrological themes, like Cancer season making up most of the month and Fire-led Leo season, which is still emotional, but in a

What it Means When the Moon is in Your Rising Sign

Every month, the Moon speeds through all 12 of the zodiac signs and spends about two and a half days each month in each sign. This means the Moon is in your Rising sign for about two and a half days out of every month—but what does that mean for

All About Taurus Rising in Esoteric Astrology

As we leave the dynamic and energetic sign of Aries, we come to the sensual and spiritual path of Taurus Rising. Taurus is an intriguing sign in Esoteric Astrology because it is one of the most spiritually enlightening signs of all. This also runs true for the Taurus North Node,

The 12 Houses of Astrology: Understanding the Divine Wheel

The 12 houses of astrology have long been a subject of fascination for many people. The tradition of the wheel of life or fortune is present across all cultures, and almost all forms of astrology have their take on this. But what are the 12 houses of astrology, and what

Your Spring 2021 Career Forecast

We’re now in the second quarter of 2021, and many of you may be looking at revving up your career prospects. If it’s been a slow start to the year, don’t fret. There’s still lots of time left, so let’s explore the career astrology for spring 2021! First, let’s review

All About Aries Rising in Esoteric Astrology

This is the start of the soul’s journey as it travels through twelve lives of its esoteric journey. From Pisces to Aries, the soul must learn important lessons to cultivate its growth and become what it must: whole and fulfilled through the trials and tribulations it encounters on Earth. The

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