Career and Work Articles

Learn All About Career Astrology using the 2nd, 6th, & 10th Houses

Astrology can be used to help you with many areas of life, and that includes your career. In fact, it’s incredibly helpful to assess the professional astrology houses of your birth chart and see if your career choices are aligned with your natal positions. Your ultimate career choices will make

Use This Tarot Spread to Determine How Someone Feels About You

We often use the Tarot to unpack grand truths, delve into our wildest curiosities… and, of course, unpack our true feelings about someone or something else. But what about the other side? Ever wondered, “How do they feel about me?” Your relationship with someone else (whether romantic, platonic, or something

mercury enters taurus

These 6 Zodiac Signs Need to Pay EXTRA Attention When Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury – the planet of communication, information, and the mind – is moving into grounded, calming Taurus on May 15th, 2024, bringing an earthy essence that will help you feel rooted in the terrain below your feet. And while this transit will deliver quite a bit of balanced, harmonious energy

four women in business suits standing together

How to Find Your Perfect Career Path With Numerology

What is the definition of the perfect job? Is it a job that pays well and doesn’t challenge you at all? Or is it a position that helps you grow as an individual and find your passion in life?  The truth is, one of the biggest features of the perfect

two woman sitting at a desk reviewing items on a laptop screen

Your Powerful Mars in Capricorn Career Horoscopes

If you haven’t yet felt the practically motivated energy typically associated with Capricorn season, don’t fret! You’re about to experience a transit that will help to ground and guide the fiery passion within, especially when it comes to your career and going after your goals. Mars – the passionate planet

Try This Tarot Spread to Overcome a Creative Block

The world is pretty hard right now. And when the news is this dark, it can feel like creativity is impossibly out of reach. Yet art is a form of magic. Belief in beauty, reaching for wonder, carving out space and energy for awe, discovery, curiosity, and expression can be

You Pulled the 9 of Wands Tarot Card – Now What?

Have you pulled the 9 of Wands in your Tarot reading? This card represents the “battle-weary soldier.” It is the card of someone who takes one last stand. The person who has fought many fights, but will keep going, no matter how tired he is or how many wounds he

A Tarot Reading to See What the Rest of 2021 Holds

For many, 2021 has been a year of building and rebuilding. After the seismic effects of 2020, this year has provided some opportunities to grow, expand and reach outwards. This has been a transformative year too. The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provided a considerable shake-up for everybody,

You Pulled The 7 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

Have you pulled the 7 of Cups in a Tarot spread and wondered what it meant for you? All cards can have different meanings depending on the context they are in. The 7 of Cups is a card of the Minor Arcana, and just like every other card, its meaning

You Pulled The Hermit Card – Now What?

The Hermit is one of those cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot that can be baffling to many. Is it because, in many decks, a lone figure stands in the darkness holding a light of some kind? Is it because the Hermit himself just looks so mysterious that

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