Chakra Articles

a pair of woman's green eyes, clad with pink eyeshadow, looking over an array of pink flowers

Is Abundance in Your March 2025 Forecast? Find Out Now!

March’s timelines bring shifts that will redefine us for generations, reshaping not just our present reality, but also our energetic inheritance. These cosmic alignments don’t just open doors to manifestation, they illuminate the unseen forces shaping our ability to manifest wealth, success, and fulfillment. Generational blockages, ancestral patterns, limiting beliefs,

A black woman with two buns holds them and stares to her left.

Explore Your March 2025 Energy Forecast

Welcome, beautiful souls! March swims in like a mysterious cosmic pool, setting the energy ablaze with inspiration. The blue skies paint a sacred masterpiece at sunrise, immersed in vibrant reds, oranges, and gold- colors that reveal the alchemy of life. This is not a soft start to a new season;

7 Crystals to Enhance Your Life RIGHT NOW

Go into any metaphysical shop, and you’ll see crystals everywhere! Small or large, tumbled, raw or carved, and so many different colors! They’re very pretty to look at, but what do they actually do? With all the vast selection of stones on the market, what ones do you truly need?

man with colourful eyeshadow smiling boldly with flowers around his face

Are you Going Through a Spiritual Awakening? Keep Sane With These 4 Hacks

You may have heard lately of a spiritual or Kundalini awakening. Is it all hype? Is there any truth to the woo-woo talk? And most importantly, are you experiencing one? If you’ve stopped here, chances are you’re looking for answers to sudden life changes that have caused an upheaval of

Survive the Upcoming New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Mark your calendars cosmic warriors! We’re officially in eclipse season! After a month of raring-to-go Aries energy, get ready to step into earthy vibes with a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, 2022. Eclipses herald a time of abrupt life changes. There’s an “It’s-meant-to-be” energy this month

Unleash Your Magic Using Numerology & the 222 Power of February 22, 2022

​Is it 2:22 every time you look at the clock? Does your head turn each time cars with 2222 on their number plates pass you by while driving? And maybe you buy coffee for exactly $2.22? Perhaps, you started questioning why repeating 2s are following you more than usual this

Chakra Work for Libra Season

Libra season is almost upon us! This means Venus, the planet of love, art, and relationships, is at her most powerful when she enters a sign of her rulership. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, and if you are a Libra – or know a Libra – you will know

Chakra Work for Virgo Season

With Virgo season in full effect since August 22nd, we’ll likely feel the effects of Virgo in some form or another until its end on September 22nd, 2021. Maybe you’re asking what the main qualities of Virgo are? If you are a Virgo or you know a Virgo, you will

Healing Crystals for Each of Your Chakras

Are you aware of the awesome powers of your own body? Specifically, the chakras – invisible fields of energy – that exist within your body at all times? Each of our bodies contains seven major energy points that, when balanced and aligned, spin like wheels of energy within the body.

The Soul Star & Earth Star: The Two Chakras You Didn’t Know About

You’re probably familiar with the chakras – the invisible energy points that spin like wheels within our bodies when they’re aligned. However, even with all of the buzz surrounding our chakras in recent years, most people are familiar with the seven major chakras: The Root chakra, the Sacral chakra, the

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