Chakra Articles

Colorful Connection: Chakras & the Zodiac

There are so many metaphysical tools and practices available to us that it can be hard to remember that many of these systems share an interesting relationship with one another. Today, we’ll explore the mystical relationship between astrology, the language of the stars, and our body’s spiritual energy points, the

Reiki for Spooky Season

There are certain times of year that are perfect for spiritual healing and chakra clearing. The veil between worlds thins during this time because of certain astrological events that ancient cultures, tracked which is where the holiday Samhain originated. This ancient celebration inspired the modern holiday of Halloween which is

Feeling Cloudy? Clear Your Chakras with Reiki

Do you know that feeling when you just can’t decide to save your life, like there’s static in your head keeping you from thinking and talking clearly? Some people attribute this to poor sleep or perhaps something they ate, and while this could be the case, often it’s the result

The Best Self-Care for Each Chakra

Though the knowledge of their power and importance has existed in the practices of Hinduism and Buddhism for thousands of years, the idea of chakra alignment and care is relatively new to many people. Often, we cannot pinpoint the cause of our anxiety, or low energy, or feeling of being

How Can You Tell When a Chakra is Blocked?

While you may not necessarily feel it, there is enigmatic yet vigorous energy coursing through your body at this very moment. An energy so powerful, yet discreet, that ignoring it can wreak havoc in our lives. The chakras are energy points that reside in our bodies, and they affect how

How to Use Tarot to Clear Your Chakras

It’s spring cleaning time! And this year, we are not talking about a pledge of allegiance to Pine Sol and Swiffer. This time we are talking about the pledge of allegiance to youself. Are you treating yourself well? Health is wealth after all. Even if you are in great physical

Everything You Need to Know About Healing Wands & Why You Need One

What is a Healing Wand? A healing wand is a powerful energy healing tool that has historically been used since ancient times by metaphysicians, shamans and healers to ground focus, ambitions and basal intentions. However, one need not be a trained wizard to use one effectively. By setting one’s intentions

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to the 7 Chakras

Pronounced “sha-kra” or “cha-kra,” this Sanskrit term for wheel refers to the seven energy centers found in the body, starting with the Root or base chakra at your tailbone and stretching all the way up to the Crown chakra at the top of your head. Chances are, you’ve turned to

Your Beginner’s Guide to Using Your Chakra Pendulum

There are a number of ways that we can receive answers from beyond or just answers in general! Astrology is a powerful divination tool that can show us potential in a weather forecast through daily horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and other useful tools. Numerology readings help as well, and so do

The Best Color for Each Zodiac Sign: Chakras & Crystals

Your zodiac sign can give you powerful insight into your past, present and future, but it’s not an isolated system. Your body and mind form a complex matrix that responds to colors and crystals as well as the movement of the stars. Each sign also has a favored chakra (called

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