Chakra Articles

Spring Cleaning Your Chakras With Health Astrology When Sun Enters Taurus

Have you ever wondered about chakras? Have you heard of these energy wheels in your body and thought it sounded a little funny? Did you know that chakra healing is accepted by millions of people all over the world, even scientists? Chakras are not visible to the naked eye, so

These Crystals Will Save You During Cold and Flu Season

Flu season is upon us, and it’s time to protect yourself. Some people simply can’t afford the flu shot, and for those who can, it is not a guarantee that you won’t contract the virus. Influenza can cause stomach cramps, headaches, sinus infections and more ailments than anyone should have

Clear Your Chakras With this Simple Mantra

Your chakras affect your health, your energy, your ability to think clearly and your emotional state. These things all control how you experience your life and how others are affected by you as well. If you’re in a good mood all the time, it’s easier to make friends, smooth out

How the Root Chakra Can Help You Make Money

When it comes to making money, there are a number of things we can do to be successful or create abundance for ourselves. Sometimes there are things that are blocking us on our quest of financial greatness, and sometimes they aren’t things you can see with the naked eye. If

The Must Buy Holiday Gifts for Self-Transformation

If we are lucky enough to be making Holiday Gift Lists for those who would indulge us with presents this time of year, we can be spoiled for options. There are a lot of wants, but at the end of the day, we might be happier with good health and

Opening Your Heart Chakra Naturally

While every chakra is important to align and balance, restoring harmony to your heart chakra is one of the fastest ways to connect yourself with the universal, cosmic love all around you. There are seven main chakras in the body, and the heart chakra is the peacemaker connecting all of

Connecting with Yourself: How to Have the Best Relationship with You

Do you feel disconnected lately? Do you wonder where you’ve been, mentally? It isn’t always easy to maintain the mind-body connection within ourselves, let alone remain connected to our spirits. Keeping in contact with your innermost desires and beliefs is important for remaining balanced and centered. Staying strong in our

Ask Charla: Working with Your Third-Eye Chakra

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! Thanks for asking

Three Important Ways Gemstone Healing Can Fix Your Life

Crystal healing is all the rage at the moment, but what’s the big deal? Why does working with a few rocks make such a difference? Yes, they’re pretty and everything, but are they really healers, can they really improve your life and your health? Healing Powers The first thing you

Fall Blues? Maybe Your Root Chakra Is Out of Sync

Do you find yourself a little down lately? Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders. Perhaps you feel like the changing weather is affecting your mood. While seasonal depression is an issue that affects many people, there may be another explanation for

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