Crystals Articles

You NEED These 6 Crystals for Gemini Season

The sociable, quick-witted, and intelligent folks born in the sign of Gemini tend to have brilliant advice-givers among them. If you have a problem, turn to a Gemini, and a solution will be quickly presented to you! You may not always like what they have to say (they can be

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius is Coming – THESE Are the Crystals You NEED

​Pluto is going retrograde soon (May 2, 2024, to be exact), a time when the planet appears to be moving backward—an optical illusion that nevertheless influences our energy. Pluto belongs to the outer group of planets, whose retrograde periods don’t affect us quite as intensely. Pluto goes retrograde each year

You NEED These 6 Crystals for Taurus Season

April brings with it the season of Taurus, which also bestows calming and stable energy, which many may welcome after the chaotic and Fiery energies of Aries season. What does this mean for us? Well, Taurus is a sensual Earth sign and likes to indulge in the pleasures of life.

You NEED These 7 Crystals to Get Through Mercury Retrograde

You probably know by now that in the astrology world, Mercury retrograde tends to have a pretty bad rep. When the planet of communication appears to be going backward, it sets all the “normal” stuff in reverse: miscommunication, lack of understanding, technological glitches, anything and everything just going wrong. However,

7 Lucky Crystals for Aries Season

The crystals for Aries that follow are not purely exclusive to those born under the ram’s dynamic sign but are highly beneficial to all of us. Aries energy dominates the month of April, so it’s best to be prepared! Whether you are a crystal enthusiast or just reaching out into

7 Crystals to Enhance Your Life RIGHT NOW

Go into any metaphysical shop, and you’ll see crystals everywhere! Small or large, tumbled, raw or carved, and so many different colors! They’re very pretty to look at, but what do they actually do? With all the vast selection of stones on the market, what ones do you truly need?

white statue of a baby angel

What Does Angel Number 11 Mean?

Have you been seeing the number 11 everywhere you go? Has it popped up on your phone, laptop, or TV screen? Maybe a billboard or poster you walked past? Is this number jumping into your line of vision with such frequency that it’s taking you by surprise? If so, it

This is the Healing Crystal You Need, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Each astrological sign has certain weaknesses that can be improved upon to bring about a more well-rounded, self-aware person, and crystals can help. If we’re prone to a bad temper, for example, certain crystals can help us remain calm. If we’re known to be lazy, we can use crystals to

pair of hands holding out a variety of purple crystals

Your Lucky Crystal for 2023, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This has been a transformative year for many, but it’s not over just yet! The changes experienced this year will set the tone for many years to come. Each zodiac sign has its own lucky crystal to help it navigate the rest of the year ahead. Read on to find

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