Dream Analysis Articles

All You Need to Know About Stress Dreams

There’s no denying that 2020 has brought with it some unexpected stress. We know that stress releases certain chemicals in the body that we can counter with holistic remedies such as soothing essential oils, calming deep breathing, and meditation. But when it comes to our dreams, stressful times may mean

5 Common Dream Symbols to Unlock Your Inner Power

Is your subconscious trying to tell you something? Dreams can be very powerful sources of insight into yourself – once you learn their meanings. Many times we look at our dream as a whole when trying to decipher its message — but it’s also important to consider the meaning of

Lions, Tigers & Bears, Oh My! Interpreting the Animals In Your Dreams

Ever wonder why you dream of things you have never seen or animals you’ve never met? It’s not that you’re just traveling around the world and seeing things when you’re sleeping. The laws of gravity aren’t there holding you in your body when you’re sleeping and your soul is having

How to Use Your Dreams to Become Successful

Your dreams hold psychic messages for you. These messages mostly come from your own subconscious mind and they can also help you tap into a deeper knowing of who you are so you can align yourself to become successful and extremely content with what you do in life. Our world

Weird Dreams & What They Mean with Venus Opposite Neptune

​The planet of dreams, Neptune, is opposing the planet of love and beauty, Venus, which can bring about fantasy dreams or ideas that aren’t grounded in reality about how you need to sacrifice for love. Do not let your dreams make you think you need to settle in order to

Lucid Dreaming: Can You Control Your Own Story?

Today we’d like to introduce you to the concept of lucid dreaming. Let’s look at what this phenomenon is, how to experience a lucid dream, and most importantly, how lucid dreaming can help you. If you’re unfamiliar, lucid dreaming is a state in which you are aware that you’re dreaming,

5 Common Dream Symbols to Expect During Mercury Retrograde

​It’s retrograde season, friends! We hear the most about Mercury retrograde, but right now we have multiple planets in retrograde. Mercury is currently retrograde in Cancer until August 1 of this year, but we also have Jupiter retrograde until August 11, Pluto retrograde until October, and Neptune retrograde until November.

I Kept a Dream Journal for 30 Days – This is What I Learned

My dreams have both intrigued and frightened me over the years. From a young age, I was made aware that my grandmother on my father’s side often had dreams that came true, a little bit like predictions or visions. Eventually, this began to happen to me, too. For example, a

Dream On: Why Do Recurring Dreams Happen?

Dreams, especially for those who remember them, play a large role in our lives. They can be so vivid and feel so real that waking up to this reality can feel odd, almost as if our dream worlds are just as real as our waking world. Dreams have the potential

Dream Journalling & Tips to Enhance Your Memory

In our adult lives, due to a lack of connection to the spirit world and our own soul, most of us just laugh off our dreams only to forget about them by lunch time. But, both science and religion have found that dreams are actually a big part of our

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