Energy Articles

november energy forecast

You Need to Read Your November 2024 Energy Forecast

As November draws near beautiful gems, the world around us evolves in awe-inspiring ways, revealing the alchemy, magic, and boundless potential of the Universe. The sky this season glows with soft crimson reds, warm amber hues, cool sapphire blues, and deep violets as if the Universe is crafting a stunning

october abundance forecast

Your October 2024 Abundance Forecast

The magic of the equinox sets the stage for a transformative October, where the dance between fall in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere begins. We are transitioning through a time of balance and renewal, and every thought and intention you set has the power to manifest

crystal healing guide

A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals & Crystal Healing

It would be surprising, in this day and age, if you weren’t familiar with the concept of crystal healing. The power of crystals is talked about more and more each day; but when you’re just beginning to dive into the world of stones, it can feel a little overwhelming. “Which

A woman embraces her shoulder, looking wistfully at the ground.

Your October 2024 Energy Forecast

October is almost here, beautiful gems. With sunsets dripping in fiery reds, warm oranges, sweet pinks, and deep purples, it’s like the Universe is putting on a show just for you. Not only is the sky changing, but the energy around us is also shifting dramatically. With the days growing

pisces lunar eclipse

Everything You Need to Know About the Pisces Lunar Eclipse

On September 17th, 2024, we’ll experience a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, and this Lunar Eclipse kicks off a whole new eclipse set! Eclipses occur in sets of opposing zodiac signs for a period of time, and we’ve had them in Libra and Aries. With the September 17th Lunar Eclipse, the

september abundance forecast

Your September 2024 Abundance Forecast

September brings the magic of the equinox: a time when light and dark, material and spiritual forces are perfectly balanced. And every aspect of your life receives a serious boost this month, from manifestation to success to health and wealth. No matter what you are dealing with, whether it is

manifesting with the moon

How to Manifest Using the Moon Cycles

The Moon is a mysterious and wonderful planet that rules over the sign Cancer. This zodiac sign encompasses qualities associated with the Moon: powerful emotions, creativity, intuition, nurture, and moodiness. People with a lot of Moon in their chart tend to have strong psychic abilities and an interest in the

woman with afro and bold red lipstick smiling gleefully

Your September 2024 Energy Forecast

September is just around the corner, beautiful gems, bringing orange-yellow skies of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere. The waves of change continue to take over the airwaves as we quantum leap throughout the year into a brand new month that is all about nurturing

brunette woman in white sports bra with her arms outstretched to a blue sky

Try These 8 Ways to Use This Upcoming Full Moon to Your Advantage

Full Moons. They have quite the reputation, don’t they? You may have even heard rumors about a surge in visits to the Emergency Room during the Full Moon– in fact, there was one study performed that showed that about “81% of mental health professionals believe the Full Moon can make

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