Energy Articles

woman in yellow dress and black boots against a bright red background holding out her hand

THESE Planets are in Taurus Right Now – Here’s What That Means

We’re currently in Taurus season, and we’re under a lot of Taurus energy at the moment. Mercury retrograde ends tomorrow, Jupiter enters Taurus in three days, and we have a New Moon in Taurus in six days. This can be pleasant energy after all of the high energy, thanks to

Angel Number 55 & What It Means for You

Have you seen these angel numbers – 111, 222, 333…555….999? Are these invading your everyday? Doesn’t it feel special to be bombarded by these numbers? Maybe you even feel like “the chosen one,” and the heavens are speaking to you! Well, guess what! You are special, and yes! The heavens

woman in a white shirt with short red hair laying on a white blanket reading tarot cards

Your Revealing April 2023 Angel Card Reading

As we move through April, we welcome the energies of renewal and rebirth of spring! This month, the cosmos invites us to tap into the powerful energies of the universe and connect with our higher selves. So we can release any old patterns or limiting beliefs holding us back. The

THIS Powerful New Moon Will Help You Manifest Exactly What You Want

Is there a more enthusiastic, exciting time than the New Moon in Aries? This is a transit that amplifies and personifies the meaning of a “new start,” giving you a blank canvas from which to work. It’s a transit that brings the spring miracles you’ve been waiting for – whether

blonde woman with angel wings smiling brightly

Are You Seeing Angel Number 222? Here’s What it Means

Though 2023 will come with its challenges, it brings the chance to gain grounding and replenish ourselves. This is also a year of extraordinary creativity. It brings the chance to start afresh and either pick up where we left off or take new trips into the unknown where we can

two white ceramic angels gazing ahead

Will You See Angel Number 111 This Month?

Angel numbers are some of the most powerful ways for the Universe to catch our attention and send us those all-important messages. An angel number is a number that repeats, such as 999 or 111, or 222. Very often, it is a sign that a loved one is near and

You Can Manifest Abundance With THIS Rare Astrological Transit

On December 20th, 2022, Jupiter will transit through the Cardinal Fire sign, Aries, once again. This spells new changes, exciting times, and the opportunity for abundance! Jupiter is, after all, the ultimate planet of abundance. Benevolent and giving (perhaps reminding you of a jolly king that sits on his throne

gleeful woman in pink with short brown hair smiling holding pink balloons

This is Exactly What You Should Manifest in 2023, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

2023 is just around the corner. You may be wondering exactly how yearly manifestations work. Simply put, it involves writing a note to the Universe (or even just saying it in your head is fine) and telling it what you want for the rest of the year. Intentions, intentions! Manifestation

woman smiling up at the sunny sky

What is the Universe Trying to Tell You This October?

Is abundance on the horizon for you this October? When you combine the Law of Attraction and astrology, you gain an edge that helps you manifest more easily. You can take your manifestation skills to the next level by utilizing the aspect of forecasting in astrology, which provides insights about

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