Energy Articles

10 Affirmations for Imaginative Pisces Season

Are you ready for the season of dreams, romance, and imagination? With Neptune-ruled Pisces in the stars, life is about to get a whole lot more fantastical. Rebellious and revolutionary Aquarius season is already under our belt, and we may already be feeling the unpredictability and changes that have come

Unleash Your Magic Using Numerology & the 222 Power of February 22, 2022

​Is it 2:22 every time you look at the clock? Does your head turn each time cars with 2222 on their number plates pass you by while driving? And maybe you buy coffee for exactly $2.22? Perhaps, you started questioning why repeating 2s are following you more than usual this

Try These Invigorating Mantra Meditations for the Air Signs

With Aquarius season in full swing, air energy is abundant. When it comes to an ideal mantra, an Air sign isn’t the same as a Water or Earth sign. And with Aquarius season—the Fixed sign of the Air element—it’s all about recharging and fostering connections, including with yourself. This is

Are you a Narcissist? Here’s What the Stars Have to Say

Did you ever run into a narcissist? Or are you one yourself? Raise your hand (both hands) if you agree that pathological narcissists are awful people. A narcissist’s denial of their own childhood trauma and ability to inflict pain upon others makes them an interesting case study in both psychology

What Angel Deck You Should Buy, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

You’ve heard of an oracle deck and have probably ventured into the mystical world of Tarot. But what about angel decks? Whether you work with or send your intentions to angels or not, anyone can use an angel deck to gain insight and understanding from the divine. Think about how

Try These Grounding Mantra Meditations for the Earth Signs

As an Earth sign, you’re known for your stability and practicality. You keep everything real and show an interest in material things. Yet, let’s take a moment to ground you and connect with your spiritual side — something that you might not do all that often but you might desperately

You Pulled the Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card – Now What?

If you have pulled the Queen of Pentacles in a Tarot spread, then there are few cards more welcoming than this lovely nurturing card! The Queen of Pentacles is one of the Court cards of the Pentacles suit, and she is famous for her down-to-Earth, bighearted and trustworthy nature. All

What Oracle Deck You Should Buy, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

They’re sweet, they’re in touch with your intuition, and they’re easy to read — they’re Oracle cards, and they’re a staple of many modern diviners’ deck collections! Chances are, you’ve already heard of an Oracle deck, but if you’re finding yourself stumped at the word, know that if you’re a

Use This Tarot Spread to Find Universal Guidance

Tarot can be a wonderful tool for so many situations, challenges, questions, and reflections. Offering guidance, awareness, fresh insights, and powerful truths, the cards have a way of cutting through the crap and helping us see things a bit more clearly, from different angles and new perspectives. While it’s sometimes

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