Evergreen Articles

Shake Off Stress with This 4-Card Tarot Spread

Whether it’s anxiety, an annoying situation, or you’re in general facing a serious Tower moment, there are inevitable times in our lives when stress brings us to our knees. Even for those of us who may claim to be more levelheaded and calm, facing distressing circumstances at one point or another in

8 Essential Crystals for Love & Romance

Have you been looking for love? As Valentine’s Day rolls around the corner and romantic Pisces season looms ever-so-soon, romance is on the mind (and heart) for many. With matters of the heart, astrology can always help. Understanding how your zodiac sign works with the transits from the Universe can


11 AMAZING Crystals for Protection & Repelling Negative Energy

There is positive energy, and there is negative energy. Positive energy is generated by positive thinking, good wishes, and warm intentions. Meanwhile, negative energy constitutes of negative thinking, ill-wishes, and cruel intentions. Naturally, negative energy is the one we need to watch out for! How can you protect yourself from

aquarius birth chart

Where is Aquarius in Your Birth Chart?

People-focused, Airy, and the humanitarian heart of the zodiac, we could all use a bit more Aquarius energy in our lives. Whether or not you are aware of your Aquarius energy, however, it exists within all of us somewhere in our birth charts. The key is just to understand how

A person holding face-down Tarot cards sits in front of a computer with a birth chart.

Online Psychics Made Easy: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

In today’s world, where you can do everything online—from ordering food to learning new skills—it’s no surprise that psychic readings have also gone digital. If you’ve ever been curious about connecting with a psychic but felt unsure about where to start, online platforms make it easy to explore. Let’s break

aquarius crystals

THESE Are the Absolute BEST Crystals for Aquarius Season

Aquarius season is coming up, with its futuristic, humanitarian vibe that propels us toward eccentricity and innovation. What better way to embrace everything the Aquarius energy offers than to explore and discover the best crystals for this delightful sign? Whether you’re an Aquarius, soaking in the amplified energy of Uranus, or

What’s the MOST Important Planet in Your Birth Chart?

If you have ever taken a look at your birth chart, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the wealth of information available about yourself all through the lens of the stars. As many of us may have guessed (or already know), there’s more to you than just your zodiac sign

tarot cards

The Best Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced Tarot Spreads You Should Try

An ancient form of divination, the Tarot is becoming increasingly popular. As the world transcends to new heights, we are turning to new ways of doing things. Some of this involves esoteric methods that have not been popular for quite some time in our rational-minded society. Crystals, manifestation, the Law of

angel numbers

Your Essential Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet

Have you ever been scrolling through your social media feed only to notice your phone clock sitting pretty at 11:11? And then maybe you’re driving to work and noticing that a license plate in front of you is sporting the same set of numbers. Or that later that day, a

THIS is How to Read Your Birth Chart Like an Astrologer

Have you heard the term natal chart or birth chart being thrown around lately? What’s your initial reaction to this word? Perhaps you’re whispering— “Birth chart! What on Earth is that?” or Maybe you’re an astrology pro who is super excited to be reading this article because you know exactly

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