Evergreen Articles

4 of cups tarot card

The 4 of Cups Tarot Card: What it Really Means for Love, Career, & More

It’s time to celebrate! Often a very welcome card in a Tarot reading, the 4 of Wands represents the energy of celebration, appreciation, and new beginnings. After the figure in the 3 of Wands takes the bold decision to go after their dreams, we come to the 4 of Wands,

us election astrology

The SHOCKING Astrology of the US Election: Donald Trump & Kamala Harris

The world is pretty wrapped up in the U.S. presidential election, and we’re now looking at choosing between Republican nominee Donald Trump, who seeks to win again after losing four years ago, and Democrat Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and unexpected nominee after President Joe Biden opted to end

jealous zodiac signs

Why People Are Jealous of You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Every single person has a great quality or trait that they exude as they go through life. You can be proud of the traits or abilities that come easily to you and envious of those characteristics that other people seem to have that you wish you possessed. Today we are

5 of cups tarot card

You Pulled the 5 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

The 5 of Cups often shows a lone hunched figure with his back to the reader, several spilled cups surrounding him. There is a distinct air of sadness about this card, one of grief, loss, and mourning. The overall energy of the 5 of Cups is one of regret. Whilst

crystal healing guide

A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals & Crystal Healing

It would be surprising, in this day and age, if you weren’t familiar with the concept of crystal healing. The power of crystals is talked about more and more each day; but when you’re just beginning to dive into the world of stones, it can feel a little overwhelming. “Which

best pet for your zodiac sign

The Best Pet For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

When we talk about why people have pets, a number of things come up. Companionship is usually the first. Others may feel it is their duty to save a stray or have a pet for protection. The reasons are truly endless, but for the most part, anyone with a pet

3 of wands tarot card

You Pulled the 3 of Wands – Now What?

Appearing after the 2 of Wands, the card of the decision-maker, the 3 of Wands, arrives as the bold entrepreneur. Generally a welcome card in Tarot readings, the 3 of Wands is a card of passion and energy. Once the decision has been made in the 2, it is time

mercury direct

Here’s EXACTLY What to Expect When Mercury Goes Direct

Have you been feeling frustrated, tense, or stressed out due to the energy created by Mercury retrograde? If so, you’re not alone. Even people unfamiliar with astrology are likely to have heard the ubiquitous phrase, “Mercury is in retrograde” – that’s how infamous this transit is. Your car may break

page of cups

You Pulled the Page of Cups – Now What?

The Page of Cups is one of those cards that you can’t help feeling happy to see! When it appears in a reading, we can be sure that there are positive feelings involved. In a love and relationship reading, this is an especially welcome card. This is the card of

Beyoncé taylor swift

The Astrology Behind the Star Power of Beyoncé & Taylor Swift

When you ask someone who the biggest stars in the world at this moment are, you’re probably going to hear most people give the same answers: Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.  One started out in the country and has turned pop, and the other started out in R&B and has recently

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