Gemini Articles

Flora & Astrology: How Flowers Work With the Stars

“Stop and smell the flowers!” Has anyone ever said this to you? And what does this phrase even mean? Urging someone to take time to appreciate the splendid aroma of these gorgeous creatures is often meant to suggest that they slow down and appreciate the moment. Flowers are so special

Your Spring Style, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

As a season, spring is the time of rebirth; is the first equinox of the New Year, and brings a renewed energy to the world. This makes it the perfect time to start making exciting new changes to your life – including updating your wardrobe! Read on to find out

Goddess Astrology for Beginners

At first blush, astrology seems to many people to be comprised primarily of cute daily horoscopes that you find in your local newspaper, however, astrology is such a multifaceted tool that you may not realize how deeply it encompasses other aspects of life, like mythos and spirituality. One connection astrology

Which British Royal Family Member Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

The public’s obsession with the Windsors, better known as the British Royal Family, has lasted decades. They move magazines and papers like no other, from trashy tabloids to respected publications. Countless hours of news coverage have been dedicated to them. They are pop culture icons represented in movies, TV shows,

Spring Cleaning: What to Lose & What to Keep, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Whew! We’ve finally made it to spring and we’re all consumed by throwing open the windows, letting in the fresh air and sweeping out the dusty remains of what can feel like winter’s indoor exile. Like a fresh coat of paint, a proper spring cleaning can refresh and update your

Which Disney Princess Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Disney has been enchanting moviegoers since 1923 with animated films – in fact, they were one of the first companies to use live actors interacting with cartoon characters. Quickly realizing the popularity of animated features, Disney began a long legacy of fairy tale classics, historical reimagining, and completely original stories.

Which Cereal To Start Your Day With, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever thought of your zodiac sign in terms of… cereal? No? Well, you have now. Sweet, classic, pure, artificial – with so many options, how does one decide what to eat? You’ve appealed to the stars to seek guidance in relationships and in making tough life decisions, but

How Are the Planets Connected to Our Zodiac Signs?

The planets in the solar system are connected to each zodiac sign in a profound way. When we’re trying to understand our personality traits, we can look to a birth chart, which takes the exact date, time and location of your birth into account, as well as the transits and

Every Astrology Sign’s Likes & Dislikes

The heavenly bodies provide helpful hints when it comes to discovering the likes and dislikes of the people in your life. How do you break the ice with the attractive Cancer you just met? How do you please your Taurus boss? The stars can help! Today we’re going to take

The Best Color for Each Zodiac Sign: Chakras & Crystals

Your zodiac sign can give you powerful insight into your past, present and future, but it’s not an isolated system. Your body and mind form a complex matrix that responds to colors and crystals as well as the movement of the stars. Each sign also has a favored chakra (called

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