Intuition Articles

a pair of woman's green eyes, clad with pink eyeshadow, looking over an array of pink flowers

Is Abundance in Your March 2025 Forecast? Find Out Now!

March’s timelines bring shifts that will redefine us for generations, reshaping not just our present reality, but also our energetic inheritance. These cosmic alignments don’t just open doors to manifestation, they illuminate the unseen forces shaping our ability to manifest wealth, success, and fulfillment. Generational blockages, ancestral patterns, limiting beliefs,

woman sitting at a table burning incense

5 Halloween Rituals for When Negative Energy Attacks

As the weather begins to chill, so do our bones. It’s that time of year again – Halloween – and you may already find yourself gravitating towards the spookiest shows on Netflix or ensuring you’ve got an extra light in your bedroom due to all those things that go bump

Your July 2023 Angel Card Reading

July brings forth a significant release of stagnant energy, clearing the path for personal and spiritual growth. This release might manifest in various aspects of our lives, such as relationships, careers, or emotional patterns. The resulting transformation can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, through angelic guidance, we can embrace

Angel Number 777 & What it Means for You

Have you seen an overload of the number 777 lately? If a string of 7’s (sometimes 7, 77, 777, and even 7777) has become part of your every day, it surely must have made you stop and wonder – is there a method to this madness? Perhaps you already know

man with colourful eyeshadow smiling boldly with flowers around his face

Are you Going Through a Spiritual Awakening? Keep Sane With These 4 Hacks

You may have heard lately of a spiritual or Kundalini awakening. Is it all hype? Is there any truth to the woo-woo talk? And most importantly, are you experiencing one? If you’ve stopped here, chances are you’re looking for answers to sudden life changes that have caused an upheaval of

The Best Divination Tool for You, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered what the best divination tool is for your Chinese Zodiac sign? Perhaps not, but it is a fascinating topic and one which can undoubtedly help you, depending on what sign you are! Divination is a method of predicting the future. It is not for answering questions

Do You Have One of These Supernatural Senses?

Whether or not you’re aware of them, each person on the planet has a degree of one or another psychic or supernatural sense – it’s all about determining yours and learning to listen to it. Extra-sensory perception, or ESP, isn’t something we’re taught about in schools, and as a result,

The Best Crystals to Enhance Intuition

​Intuition is something that exists within every one of us and yet it is something that many of us doubt. In a society that places more value on the rational mind than the intuitive one, it is common from a young age for people to dismiss their innate instinctual abilities

How to Choose the Right Crystals for You – Intuitively

Crystals – intriguing, intimate, beautiful, varied, and above all, here to assist us. When we’re very young, crystals tend to amaze us. Their bright colors, the way they glitter under the moonlight or sunlight, the general magical feeling they give. As we get older, though, the magic of crystals tends

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