Jupiter Articles

Your May 2020 Triple-Whammy Retrograde Survival Guide

Earthlings, buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride this month! Over the next week, 3 planets turn retrograde: Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter. All 3 planets turn retrograde in a short period of less than 82 hours. If it feels like everything is starting to slow down right now,

Jupiter in Capricorn Horoscopes by the Zodiac Sign

We are at a point in the year where luck takes a turn. Jupiter has just moved into Capricorn, after spending most of 2019 in Sagittarius. This began on December 2, 2019, and ends December 19, 2020. This time around we have lucky and optimistic Jupiter leaving the Mutable sign

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: December 2-8, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! It’s an interesting week from the Universe – and it’s an exciting one. There is not much in the forecast to report, but as we get closer to the holiday season, we are feeling a little busier and more stressed as days go on. Last week was slow,

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: November 18-24, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings. It’s adventure time! After last week, Sagittarius love is upon us and we are expected to enjoy life to the fullest with Venus currently in Sagittarius. This week the Sun joins the party and Sagittarius season officially begins! This is an exciting time of the year. We are

How to Manifest Luck in the Last Month of Jupiter in Sagittarius

We are in the last two months of the year, and along with the advent of the holiday season, this time of year we also see a little change in direction when it comes to luck. That is because this time of year is the time that Jupiter comes out

Venus Sextile Jupiter – Your Love, Luck & Financial Destiny Roadmap

​We are in for a wonderful surprise this week friends, and it’s the kind of stuff that will have you floating on Cloud 9, regarding any area of your life. That is the stuff of a Venus and Jupiter sextile, when love meets luck, or it meets your wallet! This

Risks Bring Fortune: Jupiter Direct in Wild Sagittarius

Four months of each year, we experience Jupiter retrograde, and luck comes to a bit of a standstill. Lucky for you, August 11th marks the end of this year’s Jupiter retrograde, which began April 10th, as the planet of luck and expansion now goes direct in the Fire sign of

Jupiter In Sagittarius: Wealth is Upon Us

The sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the benevolent planet of expansion that brings opportunity and fortune. Jupiter entered Sagittarius in November of 2018 and has been in retrograde since April of this year. While a Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius is not the most difficult transit, we

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 24-30, 2019

We’ve arrived at the last week of June, Earthlings! Can you believe we are already in the last week of June 2019? Enjoy this lovely last week of June blossoms, friends; the Universe has given us a fairly fun and quiet week to enjoy it in. We are just coming

Jupiter Square Neptune: Things Are Not What They Seem

Hang on, everyone, because 2019 offers us three squares between the planets Jupiter and Neptune! A square is a tense aspect created by 2 planets making a 90-degree angle to each other from our perspective on Earth. Square aspects tend to bring resolution through some type of psychological conflict. If

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