Jupiter Articles

Can You Use Astrology to Predict the Future?

The simple answer to the question ‘can you use astrology to predict the future’ is yes. The more accurate answer to this question is ‘yes and no.’ Because the planets create predictable psychic environments, to a great degree, depending on one’s astrological education, many events can be seen in advance.

How to Use Planetary Transits for Personal Growth

We all check our Daily Horoscopes. Even the good folks that write the horoscopes check their Daily Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, and Career Horoscopes. Believe it! We all want a sneak peek into what is ahead, and it’s always helpful to see how horoscope writers from all over the globe are

What is a Trine? When Mercury, Pluto, & Lucky Jupiter Come Out to Play

We are entering a week where there is some jolly good news on the way, along with some big ideas, big change, and a wealth of information to work with, if you want it. If things have been a little stressful lately, you can thank Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto for

Confront What You’ve Been Ignoring with Jupiter in Scorpio

Remember that dream you had long ago, before you started your current job, paying bills and being, well, responsible? Perhaps you’ve never been worried about all that, but have never been able to make one of your lofty ideas work in your favor? We’ve all had our heads in the

Solar Return: Your Personal New Year

What if I told you that your birthday is actually your own personal New Year? No, not just a reason to drink too much champagne and celebrate. I mean a new year in your life where you are faced with a fresh set of experiences that are intended for your

Jupiter in Scorpio Turns Direct: Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs

We are going to switch gears for a little bit my friends, and examine another exciting aspect that the Universe is sending our way. For 4 long months, Jupiter has been retrograde in the psychic center of Scorpio. This month on July 10, Jupiter is going to make its switch

You Won’t Believe How Many Planets are Retrograde Right Now!

First, let me allow you to take a big sigh of relief: Mercury is NOT retrograde! (At least, not right now.) However, just about everything else is! Have no fear, this is not a time for calamity. We are here to help empower you with information that will help you

Jupiter Trines Pluto: When Secrets, Karma and Destiny Come Out to Play

You know what we always say, everything is connected. One transit we have on the docket this month is a Jupiter and Pluto sextile that is chiming in on April 14, one day before a new moon in Aries, and one day before communicator Mercury retrograde changes directions. Jupiter sextile

Sun in Pisces Trine Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio

From March 8 to July 10, Jupiter is in retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. On March 13, the Sun in Pisces trines Jupiter in Scorpio. Wondering what that mouthful of words means? Let’s break it down piece by piece, because there’s a whole lot going on! Trine is an

Let Luck Be Your Lady in Love Under Jupiter Retrograde

Ready to find out how to get lucky this month? It’s easier than you think. In astrology, all is pre-destined, but we always have that wonderful little variable called “free will” that can disrupt even the most pre-destined paths. For those moments, we always hope a little luck will come

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