Love Articles

How to Seduce Each Zodiac Sign: Tips & Turn Ons

What does your zodiac sign tell you about how to seduce your lover? Lots! How do you catch their eye and get them really interested in you? Whether you’re navigating a new relationship or trying to reignite the flames of passion with a long term love, every sign responds to

Your Guide to Planetary Relationship Compatibility: Sex & Love

Are you wondering if your special someone is compatible with you? Do you wonder if your relationship has what it takes to last for the long haul? if you are looking into relationship compatibility and focusing only on Sun signs, you’re going to find the information and answers pretty lacking.

6 Fun Things to Do This August Using Astrology Forecasts as Your Guide

As quickly as it seemed to have arrived, Summer seems to be closing out before we can take another blink. Thankfully, it hasn’t quite yet passed us by — but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taking advantage of what’s left of August! Of course, it’s really no secret that

Lunar Compatibility: What the Moon Says About Your Relationship

Are you crushing and your co-worker, unsure of how to make your move? Are you experiencing misunderstandings or disagreements with your current partner? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, this guide is for you. You’ve probably heard of astrological compatibility, a concept that typically looks at the

How to Use the Zodiac to Avoid Arguing in Your New Relationship

There’s nothing quite like falling into a new romance. The early infatuation, the long conversations late into the night as you slowly peel back the layers… of each other’s personalities. You’re blissfully floating on a cloud…until you unknowingly push a button that makes the new love in your life go

Love Compatibility Using Destiny Numbers 1 & 2

It’s summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, and with the warm breeze of summer often comes the whispering winds of romance. We may be prone to start thinking about romantic connections as the weather warms up, and we look for new adventures to occupy what many consider to be the best

Cancer Eclipse Rituals for Love: New Moon Manifestations

Manifesting your dreams can be powerful. Adding a little love astrology to the mix helps give you an extra boost to make it happen more easily. The most commonly used astrological occurrence for manifestation? The New Moon! New Moons are times for new beginnings, full of energy and enthusiasm. We’re

Love Horoscopes for Mars Conjunct Neptune

Tomorrow, the planets Mars and Neptune align in dreamy Pisces! This alignment occurs once every 1 ½ – 2 years or so, and brings Mars, the planet of energy and drive, together with Neptune, the planet of sweet affection. Combined, they can turn up the romance quite a bit! The

Numerology & the Number 6: What Does June Mean?

It might be hard to believe, but we’ve made it almost halfway through the year! And as June finally arrives, the sixth month of the calendar year, it’s time to explore the magical properties of the number 6. The sixth month of the year can bring conflicting feelings. We enjoy

Summer Love: Is it Real Romance or a Summer Fling?

It’s officially Summertime! And now that means we are all looking for a little bit of love, sweet love. We all want it no matter what our relationship status is. Who doesn’t want to be in love in the Summertime? There are so many things to do during the long

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