Love Articles

What Each Sign in The 7th House Means for Your Relationships

Astrology provides much insight into our personalities, careers, and relationships. You may be familiar with your zodiac sign, which refers to astrology and is determined by birth, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg! The birth chart is divided into 12 houses, and each house contains a zodiac sign.

5 Ways to Use Moon Energy to Reach Your Goals This Week

You may have heard we had a full moon on Saturday. Quite possibly you saw or experienced the things you were working towards or manifesting show up or some of the changes you were working on come through. We can use moon energy to carve a path through the weeds

What Your Daily Love Horoscope Says about Your Love Needs

Love is a complex emotion that is often difficult to understand, much less give and receive. Your daily love horoscope can provide you with insights into the ways that you should express your love and the expressions that you need to receive to feel truly loved and appreciated. Perhaps you’ve

Your Mercury Retrograde Love Horoscopes

Oh boy. We are here again. Mercury retrograde. Does it feel like you are getting mixed messages, bounced signals, crossed wires, or a general air of confusion over your biggest issues in life? That′s Mercury retrograde, the planet of communication, travel, journeys, and messages moving into the slow lane. It’s

How to Craft the Perfect Pick Up Lines for Every Zodiac Sign!

Let’s start this article with a disclaimer: we know everyone is different and there’s no line that can do the picking up job for you. We know pick up lines can be lame and even annoying when presented awfully. However, just for fun, we decided to help you craft some

Let Your Zodiac Sign Help You Pick Your Battles

In life, we are sometimes called upon to brace ourselves and prepare for grizzly combats and epic arguments; tension is a natural part of the human existence, and often helps us to evolve into our most amazing selves. Interpersonal communication skills can greatly enhance our verbal exchange with others, however,

Your Perfect Love Match for This Valentine’s

Most of us want to find a fiery, passionate love that burns within our every cell; a love that can withstand the cracks and flaws of time and leave us winded from its gravitational pull. Now, every single relationship we have is unlikely to reach this scope of intensity, but

Last Minute Valentine’s Date Ideas

It’s that time of year again! Time to ponder how exactly you are going to treat your sweetie to a special night and how you can to top yourself from years past. You don’t want to do the same old, same old, so we thought we’d help you out with

Crystals for Love, Money & Spiritual Connection

If you’re visiting Astrology Answers for your love horoscope, you may be interested to learn more about crystals and how they can draw more love into your life. Crystals have unique frequencies that resonate with our energetic fields and can help cultivate specific types of energy that interact with the

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