Love Articles

Valentines Gift Giving Guide By the Zodiac Signs

We all love to receive gifts, but even better, we love to receive gifts meant just for us. It means so much more when you know someone took the time to research what you like most as “favorites.” Paul Newman once said, “Why go out for hamburger when you have

How to Use the New Year to Heal Familiar Wounds

Entering a new year can be challenging. For a lot of us, the winter blues are still in full effect by the time New Year’s Eve rolls around, and beginning the cycle all over again can seem daunting. Perhaps the holiday season, along with the cold weather on many parts

How 2018 Can Finally Free You

2017 has been a whirlwind of change and upheaval. Our political climate is tense, yet progressive—this year we saw the first trans woman to be voted into public office, which is a long overdue feat. Our information age is booming and growing faster than we can keep up with, yet

Learning to Trust Based on Your Sign

Whether you’re just coming out of a relationship that left a sting, or you’ve been hurt by a loved one before, we can all agree that sometimes it becomes difficult to trust again. Once you’ve felt the perceived or real betrayal of a loved one, your heart acts as a

Let Down Those Walls: What Being “Open” Means In Relationships

With so many planets in the fixed water sign Scorpio right now, relationships are coming under the microscope in an intense and powerful way. Venus has just arrived on the scene, and we still have Sun in Scorpio for a little while longer. We also have Jupiter in intense Scorpio,

7 Ways to Get People to Like You

Everyone wants to be liked. The harsh truth is not everyone is compatible with everyone else. There are always going to be people who just rub you the wrong way—and you’re included in that, too! However, there are some simple dos and don’ts when it comes to courting favor with

How to Spread the Love Around

Life can be overwhelming at times, and when we feel particularly stressed out, we might forget to send out our positivity to share with the world. After all, when you’re knee-deep in bills, deadlines and general adult-sized stressors, spreading the love is likely the last thing on your mind. Did

Virgo 101 – Explore the Qualities of the 6th Zodiac Sign

We talk a lot about the qualities and characteristics typical of the sign of Virgo, but how much do you know about the 6th sign of the zodiac? How do we know what information to consider when we are talking about the sign of the Virgin? What are some of

Why Your Spouse Isn’t Always Your Soul Mate

Welcome friends, to another week of ‘Ask Charla’. Astrology Answers gets a lot of questions about love and relationships, and this week is no exception! Relationships are one of the most important factors in our life satisfaction so it only makes sense that we want to make the best of

How Each Zodiac Sign Will Break Your Heart

In love, we all have the capability of capturing someone’s heart, wooing them with our positive qualities. On the flip side, we are just as capable of breaking hearts when the shadow sides of our zodiac sign come out to play. We can repeat patterns of hurting lovers and even

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