Love Articles

Dating Astrology: Plan Date Night With Your Favorite Zodiac Sign!

Have you caught Spring fever yet? Are you excited about a new season and all of the possibilities that it has to offer? Well you should be. Especially if you have been hoping to get a new lease on love and relationships in this exciting new season. As we begin

Valentine’s Day Gifts and Guilty Pleasures by the Zodiac Sign!

Are you stumped for a Valentine’s Day gifty for your sweetie? Are you feeling all of the yummy and gooey lovey dovy in the air right now and want to make this year just *oh so perfect*? Stump yourself no further. Just remember that Valentine’s Day is all about guilty

3 Easy Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship Using The Law Of Attraction

Have You Hit A Slump In Your Relationship? No one’s relationship is perfect, but if you’re feeling like you’ve hit a rough patch don’t give up just yet. Even if you’re happy most of the time, there are things you can do to add extra positivity and bliss. The Law

Love Astrology: Celebrity Horoscope Compatibility by the Zodiac Sign

Ah, there are quizzes all over the place you can take to tell you what celebrity will be your ideal mate. Did you know, you can have a look at this from an astrological perspective, too? Just for fun, let’s have a look at the sun signs and their celebrity

8 Ways to Use Karma to Attract Love

We use the words soul mate and karma around here a lot, and there’s a reason for that. As necessary as it is to use astrology to help lead us in our daily lives, there is more to the equation of an enlightened and fulfilled life than just astrology. Karma

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