Love Articles

woman giving someone a reading using a birth chart

Here’s EXACTLY How to Get the Best Psychic Reading

Have you ever considered getting a psychic reading done? Maybe wondered if it would be accurate or not. Thought about where you would potentially go to get one? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re breaking down the benefits of getting an online psychic reading so you know exactly

A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love

Have you ever wondered when love may be on the horizon for you? Or when you’ll meet your soulmate, “The One,” or stumble into the relationship of your dreams? This is quite a common pondering for many, and understandably so. It may seem like a silly question at first, but

synastry reading article

How to Uncover Your Perfect Soulmate With a Synastry Chart Reading

Astrology is a tool that can help us navigate so many different aspects and facets of life, and love is no exception. We’re all curious about love and relationships, and today we’re going to explore the concept of the synastry chart in astrology and how it can help us discover

couple laying in bed together laughing and cuddling

Could Your Soulmate be an Aquarius? Find Out Right Now

As we float on through Aquarius season, what better time than now is there to explore more about this intellectual, forward-thinking sign – and especially how it approaches romance? What does Aquarius love compatibility look like? This Air sign is intelligent and thoughtful, bringing their natural curiosity and wonderous nature

Are YOU One of the Zodiac Signs With the Highest Sex Drive?

Could the cosmos explain your sex drive? While everyone’s libido is unique to them, the stars and planets can partially explain why you might have a low or high sex drive. In turn, unveiling this trait can help you determine how you and your partner match up (or how you

man and woman sharing a kiss in front of the ocean

Your Essential Mars in Libra 2023 Horoscopes

When you think of Mars, a few key phrases might come to mind: Aggression, ambition, motivation, and passion, just to name a few. But did you know that Mars, like each planet in astrology, takes on the qualities of whatever sign it happens to be passing through at any particular

hipster couple walking down a street with sunglasses on holding a skateboard

The Best Days for Summer Love, Based on Astrology

Summer is upon us, and the dog days are here. While we’re all battling dry heat and soupy humidity, this can lead to daydreams of summer love and romance. What does astrology have to say about summer love for 2023? This is actually a fascinating summer for love, and the

brunette woman in a white dress floating in water on her back

THIS Transit is Bringing Love & Romance

When we see that a planet will be going retrograde soon in our astrology calendar, it is common to feel a sense of foreboding. But there’s no need to worry about the word “retrograde.” Yes, Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep, but when Venus goes retrograde, it is actually a

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