Love Articles

synastry reading article

How to Uncover Your Perfect Soulmate With a Synastry Chart Reading

Astrology is a tool that can help us navigate so many different aspects and facets of life, and love is no exception. We’re all curious about love and relationships, and today we’re going to explore the concept of the synastry chart in astrology and how it can help us discover

Are YOU One of the Zodiac Signs With the Highest Sex Drive?

Could the cosmos explain your sex drive? While everyone’s libido is unique to them, the stars and planets can partially explain why you might have a low or high sex drive. In turn, unveiling this trait can help you determine how you and your partner match up (or how you

man and woman sharing a kiss in front of the ocean

Your Essential Mars in Libra 2023 Horoscopes

When you think of Mars, a few key phrases might come to mind: Aggression, ambition, motivation, and passion, just to name a few. But did you know that Mars, like each planet in astrology, takes on the qualities of whatever sign it happens to be passing through at any particular

hipster couple walking down a street with sunglasses on holding a skateboard

The Best Days for Summer Love, Based on Astrology

Summer is upon us, and the dog days are here. While we’re all battling dry heat and soupy humidity, this can lead to daydreams of summer love and romance. What does astrology have to say about summer love for 2023? This is actually a fascinating summer for love, and the

hand extended out holding three different crystals

Feeling Anxious? Use These 10 Crystals

Has stress been eating you up lately? Has anxiety been taking its toll? One way that we can help ourselves in this area is by using crystals that are specific to dealing with stress and anxiety. Using crystals for anxiety can bring us greater calm, peace, and tranquility, which likewise

woman with glowing skin and various piercings gazing up with long eyelashes

Your ESSENTIAL Mercury in Cancer Love Horoscopes

On July 26th, Mercury enters Cancer, and here we see the planet that rules Virgo and Gemini soften somewhat as it moves into the sign of the crab. What does this mean for us? Mostly, it means our communication style will be infused with emotion and messages from the heart.

two people, one with long black hair and one with short curly blonde hair, standing together back to back

Your ESSENTIAL Love Horoscopes for Venus in Cancer

Have you been craving a shift in your love life? It’s time to get ready for change because Venus is moving into the loving, nurturing sign of Cancer on May 7th, bringing markedly different energy. When Venus – the planet of beauty and love – is in the domestic sign

couple sitting on a bed hugging each other and smiling with plants in the background

THIS Astrological Transit is About to Heat Up Your Love Life

When it comes to love and matters of the heart, we look to the movements of the planet Venus for insight. And she’s on the move yet again, this time into communicative, curious Gemini. Venus will be in witty Gemini on April 11th, 2023. As the planet of love, Venus

Are You the Best Zodiac Sign to Date (Or the Worst?!)

Let’s get this out of the way—we’ve all got flaws. However, depending on your zodiac sign, you might be an easier person to date—or not. This doesn’t mean you don’t have strengths, and this doesn’t mean you can’t work on being better. Yet, it all starts with recognizing where your

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