Love Articles

Find Out Who to Block with August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

We have an Aquarius Full Moon coming up on August 11th. Aquarius is the zodiac sign that rules friendships. That means this Full Moon brings extra energy to our friendships. But this time, not only can it expose who our true friends and BFFs are, but it will also allow

How to Win an Argument, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever noticed how some people go out of their way to avoid confrontation while others seem to get a kick out of stirring things up? Everyone responds to conflict in a different way. Some stand their ground and do everything they can to win the argument—even when they’re

How to Use Manifestation for Love

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “Love”? Flowers and a box of chocolates? A romantic date? Home-owning and building a nest with your partner? Experiencing your emotional needs met in a relationship? Mother-child love? From a spiritual perspective, unconditional love radiates from an open

Love Compatibility: What Chinese Zodiac Sign is Your Match?

​When it comes to love and romance, few years are more dynamic and exciting than the Year of the Tiger! Like the sign itself, love is often passionate and unpredictable. Unexpected encounters, secret rendezvous, and endless passion are all associated with this sign so be prepared for a whirlwind of

What Will Happen When Venus & Mars Both Enter Aquarius?

On the morning of March 6th, we have a very exciting moment when Venus and Mars both enter Aquarius within a seven-minute time span. This will create a conjunction until the end of the month and things look set to heat up in the most unique and dazzling way! In

Attract Love on Valentine’s Day with this Spell

Love rituals and spells are a sensitive matter. On the one hand, you want to fall in love, and you want someone to love you. On the other hand, you have to consider your karma. Do you really want to force someone to fall in love with you? A love

Love Horoscopes to Manifest Romance During the Full Moon in Leo

We have a special Valentine’s Full Moon for you this year, everyone, with the Full Moon in Leo falling on February 16th, two days after the day of lurve – so it’s time to think about the relationships in your life, whether that be with others, with yourself, or with

This Tarot Spread Will Help You Navigate the Lovers’ Year, 2022

As we settle into this new year, there are plenty of ways to think about the weeks and months ahead. Astrologers and numerologists have offered analysis and predictions for future transits. Still, when we look at 2022 through the lens of the Tarot, there are new opportunities for considering how

A Tarot Reading to See What the Rest of 2021 Holds

For many, 2021 has been a year of building and rebuilding. After the seismic effects of 2020, this year has provided some opportunities to grow, expand and reach outwards. This has been a transformative year too. The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provided a considerable shake-up for everybody,

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