Relationship Compatibility Articles

Elemental Compatibility: The Elements & Your Love Life

​One of the first things that many of us do when entering a budding new relationship is to observe and take stock of our level of compatibility – and there are many ways to do that. You can look at the personality traits that each of you share and hobbies

The Truth About Astrological Compatibility

One of the first things people like to discover when it comes to astrology is compatibility between signs. Astrology can be a fun, unique way to try to determine whether or not you and your match are right for each other. But astrological compatibility may be more complex than you

Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility: Elements, Animals & Polarities

It can be fun and very insightful to compare your compatibility using the different astrological systems. The Chinese Zodiac is divided into 12 animals and 5 elements (Western astrology only includes four elements). It’s exciting to test your love life compatibility with different systems because you can see the common

Sister Sign Compatibility: Can Opposites Really Attract?

​It’s a saying we’ve all heard, “opposites attract.” As a popular trope in television and movies, it mostly serves to highlight the superficial comedic difference between two larger than life characters; however, we all know that in our interpersonal lives, having somebody with different traits, morals and ways of thinking

What To Expect When Dating A Taurus

Are you currently dating or thinking about dating a steadfast and sensual Taurus? Today, we’ve narrowed down the 10 traits you should know about Taurus so you’ll be prepared to succeed in this relationship. Astrology gives us the insider’s secrets to your lover’s mind and heart like a manual. Taureans

Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart: Which Astrology Signs Go Well Together?

A zodiac signs compatibility chart is the key to understanding how certain zodiac signs get along while others have a hard time finding common ground. Spring is a time of new beginnings and new love, so it’s the perfect time to learn more about zodiac compatibility (and check out a

Twin Flame Signs: 11 Ways to Know You’ve Met Your Match

The concept of twin flame signs explains why we feel such an intense bond with certain people. It’s if our senses are heightened when we are around our twin flame. Twin flame signs typically have a more intense relationship than soul mates do, but a twin flame doesn’t necessarily refer

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