Meditation Articles

What is the Best Meditation for Your Zodiac Sign? Discover Yours

While we tend to focus on topics like astrology, numerology, and the Tarot at Astrology Answers, today we’re going to switch gears a bit and focus on a little thing called meditation. Maybe you’ve tried meditation before and given up a few minutes in, or maybe the process has always

Here’s EXACTLY How to Use the Law of Attraction

If you’ve been paying attention in the last few years, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about the power of positive thinking. Also known as the Law of Attraction, this idea has been circulating in many communities—including astrological circles—and suggests that we bring into existence the thoughts we spend the

man with colourful eyeshadow smiling boldly with flowers around his face

Are you Going Through a Spiritual Awakening? Keep Sane With These 4 Hacks

You may have heard lately of a spiritual or Kundalini awakening. Is it all hype? Is there any truth to the woo-woo talk? And most importantly, are you experiencing one? If you’ve stopped here, chances are you’re looking for answers to sudden life changes that have caused an upheaval of

woman with short brown hair in a sparkly brown dress posing with her arms in the air against an orange backdrop

Why You Have to Stay Cool, Calm, & Collected With THIS Upcoming Transit

Are you starting to feel a surge in mental energy? You can thank Mercury moving into Gemini for that! On June 11th, we start a period with Mercury, the planet of the mind and communications, in Gemini. Mercury is the natural ruling planet for Gemini, which compounds mental energy, restlessness,

What is the Universe Trying to Tell You This August?

When you combine the Law of Attraction with astrology, you learn how to make it easier for the Universe to manifest and support your desires and dreams. Manifestation is multidimensional, and we can intentionally harness cosmic momentum to fuel our manifestation practices and attract abundance into our lives. Further, the

12 Dependable Affirmations for Taurus Season

If you’ve needed a bit of a breather, Taurus season is finally here to provide that sweet moment of rest and relaxation. We already eased into the sensual Taurus energy on April 19th, and the reliable bull rules over us until May 20th. Whether or not you loved or hated

Try These Invigorating Mantra Meditations for the Air Signs

With Aquarius season in full swing, air energy is abundant. When it comes to an ideal mantra, an Air sign isn’t the same as a Water or Earth sign. And with Aquarius season—the Fixed sign of the Air element—it’s all about recharging and fostering connections, including with yourself. This is

Try These Grounding Mantra Meditations for the Earth Signs

As an Earth sign, you’re known for your stability and practicality. You keep everything real and show an interest in material things. Yet, let’s take a moment to ground you and connect with your spiritual side — something that you might not do all that often but you might desperately

The Best Way to Relieve Stress, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

You can learn a lot about yourself by understanding your Chinese Zodiac sign. Whether it’s knowing what essential oils are best for you or how to deal with others in the workplace based on their Chinese Zodiac sign, exploring this ancient branch of astrology is undoubtedly always a worthwhile cause!

Refreshing Mantra Meditations for the Water Signs

As a Water sign, you likely already know you’re a sensitive, deep, and intuitive individual. At the same time, emotions can wash over you like tidal waves. You feel all the feelings super intensely. And the truth is that’s okay. But sometimes, these emotions might get the best of you.

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