Money Wealth Articles

How the Root Chakra Can Help You Make Money

When it comes to making money, there are a number of things we can do to be successful or create abundance for ourselves. Sometimes there are things that are blocking us on our quest of financial greatness, and sometimes they aren’t things you can see with the naked eye. If

Succeeding as a Libra

Libra, ruled by Venus, is an astrological sign that encompasses balance, beauty and justice. Libras are insightful, creative and truly unique. You crave fairness in all situations; you are represented by the scales, a symbol of balance and equality. You thrive in beautiful and peaceful surroundings and have many spectacular

Back to School Stress? Tips For On The Go Meditation

There are myriad feelings that spring to life with the beginning of a new school year; excitement and hope for new adventures and experiences go hand in hand with anxiety, nervousness, and sometimes dread about the workload, the projects, and the year to come. While you might be experiencing these

Spending & Making Money by the Stars

The hard aspect between Venus and Saturn can take some of the fun out of life. Fortunately this aspect is a fleeting thing, influencing you for two or three days. It brings with it a caution to watch your spending, and can also have an impact on your love life

Jupiter in Virgo: The Only Money Ritual You’ll Ever Need

Transit: Jupiter in Virgo 2016 The heat of July is beating down upon us — are you feeling it, financially? There always seems to be something extra to spend that hard-earned cash on during the summer months, so why not plan for a bit of extra money. This is a

5 Ways to Boost Your Career While On Summer Vacation

After all of the struggles that came with the planets moving retrograde this spring, you’ve earned a breather! Well, we’ve got good news: Summer Solstice (also known as Litha) has come and gone, and summer is finally here, so kick off your shoes and take a deep breath. Even if

Career Tips for Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn — Earth Signs

Earth signs are the practical and steady ones of the zodiac. You need to create stability and security in your life. You don’t show off your wealth, you just enjoy the creature comforts that it provides for you. You often take jobs that aren’t particularly exciting, but which have stood

Career Tips for Gemini, Libra & Aquarius – Air Signs

Air signs are the thinkers of the zodiac, so you’re unlike to see them in emotional or creative jobs. If you’re a Gemini, a Libra, or an Aquarius, look for a field where a rational mind is required. You’ll create your success when you use reason and deduction rather than

Lucky Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs

Luck isn’t usually something you can bank on. It happens whether you’re ready for it or not. And while even astrology can’t dictate exactly how luck will find you at any given time, it can help predict when. Planets move in one of two ways: direct (forward, at a normal

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