Numerology Articles

Numerology & The Number 5: What May Means

Everything is connected. To every element in our daily lives, we can attribute both an astrological component and a numerical component. In many cases, numbers consume more of our lives than the stars, whether we realize it or not. We have a street number, a house number, even our kitchen

Numerology & the Number 3: What March Means

Happy March! This is an exciting time of year. In the Northern Hemisphere – we have Winter coming to an end and the excitement of Spring blossoms and blessings. Meanwhile, the Southern Hemisphere is gearing up for the bounties and harvests of Autumn. Wherever you are in the world, we

How Numerology Can Help You Set Your Goals

The system of numerology is similar to astrology but instead helps reveal the patterns that exist in our life using numbers. There is a wealth of inner wisdom that can be unlocked just by learning to both recognize and understand the numerology of our lives. Your date of birth and

Numerology & the Number 2: What February Means

Can you believe we are in the second month already? That means we only have ten months and change left to go on our goals. No pressure! No, really. No pressure at all. February is an exciting month because it’s a sweet short month that gets us that much closer

Career Success & Numerology: Using Your Life Path Number

At the moment you were born, your soul took on certain personality traits that make you unique, and aligning your life to them helps you find success and enjoy what you do. Using the system of numerology, you can recognize your own unique gifts to help you find a path

Numerology & the Number 1: What January Means

Happy New Year! This is a wonderful time of year because January represents so many possibilities for wonderful new beginnings. We’ve just completed a hectic cycle of the holidays, and now we are torn between two energies. One is that of just wanting to take a break and a breather,

2019 Numerology & the Year of the Earth Pig

We are in a dichotomy of energies right now, friends. We are wrapping up one year and preparing to look ahead to another. And in the New Age world, that means we have a lot of tools in our toolbox to use to ensure we do both of those things

How to Use Your Numerology Reading & Myers-Briggs Type for Full-on #GirlBoss Game

So you want to be a #GirlBoss? Well here’s an insider secret about how to nail a career path that best fits your personality and natural strengths by combining your numerology reading and Myers-Briggs type. Each one unlocks your unique personality blueprint so you can adjust things you’d like to

How To Guess Your Friends’ Life Path Numbers

If you want to inspire your friends to find a purposeful life, wow them with the power of numerology! They will seriously go bonkers if you’re able to accurately guess their life path number. We can help you know how to do this by distilling the essence of their personality

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