Numerology Articles

white baby angel statue blowing a kiss

What Does Angel Number 9 Mean?

Have you been seeing the number 9 in sequence lately? Maybe 999 or 9999 or just 9 repeating itself to such a degree that you’re beginning to wonder if it really is more than just a coincidence. When it comes to angel numbers, there are no coincidences, so go with

the number 8 surrounded by an array of flowers

What Does Angel Number 8 Mean?

If you’ve been seeing the number 8 more frequently than usual, and you know somewhere deep inside that there is a reason for it, pay attention! The Universe is sending you a message. Angel numbers appear in our lives as messages and guidance from our angels and the universe to

Angel Number 777 & What it Means for You

Have you seen an overload of the number 777 lately? If a string of 7’s (sometimes 7, 77, 777, and even 7777) has become part of your every day, it surely must have made you stop and wonder – is there a method to this madness? Perhaps you already know

the number 666 floating in a blue cloud

Seeing Angel Number 666? Don’t Panic!

If you see the number 666 – especially repeatedly – it’s not necessarily a sign that something bad is going to happen to you or the sign of a bad omen. It’s had a pretty bad rep throughout the ages. However, if we go back to numerology basics, we can

Angel Number 55 & What It Means for You

Have you seen these angel numbers – 111, 222, 333…555….999? Are these invading your everyday? Doesn’t it feel special to be bombarded by these numbers? Maybe you even feel like “the chosen one,” and the heavens are speaking to you! Well, guess what! You are special, and yes! The heavens

statue of a white porcelain angel sitting peacefully with his hands clasped together

Have You Been Seeing Angel Number 444?

Do repeating numbers just seem to be turning up everywhere you look? Have you been left baffled by seeing the same triple numbers whenever you turn your head? Have you been getting an odd sense that the universe is trying to tell you something? Rest assured, these are angel numbers

two white baby angel statues blowing kisses at each other

Are You Seeing Angel Number 333?

Has the number 333 been stalking you? Do you see to see 333 everywhere you look? When you flicker your eyes toward the clock, is it 3:33? Does 333 pop up on the TV or show up on a signpost? If 333 is showing up everywhere this month, it’s a

two white ceramic angels gazing ahead

Will You See Angel Number 111 This Month?

Angel numbers are some of the most powerful ways for the Universe to catch our attention and send us those all-important messages. An angel number is a number that repeats, such as 999 or 111, or 222. Very often, it is a sign that a loved one is near and

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for September 19 – 25, 2022

Welcome back, stargazers! Our numerology forecast is an exciting one this week as we are focusing on themes of harmony, partnership, and finding a balance within ourselves. This is enhanced by lots of Libra energy on the way, with the Sun moving into Libra and a New Moon in Libra at the

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for September 12 – 18, 2022

Welcome back to your weekly numerology forecast for this week! We are in Virgo season now, so focus, dedication, and organization are at the top of our priority list. It’s back to work, back to school, and back to duties and responsibilities for many. However, this is also a powerful

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