Pisces Articles

What is the Zodiac Diet? Horoscope Compatibility & Food

Did you know that each zodiac sign is linked to specific parts of the body? It’s true! And that means that horoscope compatibility can reveal exactly what types of foods you should incorporate more of into your diet and which ones to avoid. Why not ditch the latest, greatest, most

Medical Astrology: Which Body Parts Do Each Planet & Zodiac Sign Rule?

At first glance, you might not see a correlation between astrology and medicine, but it was the ancient Greek astrologers who first developed the concept of medical astrology. Doctors in the Middle Ages throughout the Renaissance relied upon these theories when diagnosing and treating patients. In assigning associations, medical astrologers

A Movie for Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Matches Yours?

In a world where we spend more time deciding what to watch on Netflix than watching the actual movies, it can be difficult to make a decision. And, there’s nothing worse than sitting through a movie you hate and feeling like you’ve wasted your time. That’s why today, we created

​How to Improve Your Fitness, Based on Your Sign ​

Now is a great time to kick off on a fitness regime – even if you’ve just come off an unsuccessful run at a fitness goal, it can’t hurt to try again. Setting reachable fitness goals can be challenging for many reasons. Many people lose interest and quit working out

How to Be More Motivated at Work, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Are you in a career slump and looking for ways to motivate yourself to succeed? Look no further than the stars, as astrology provides each sign with a road map to become the best they can be in all aspects of life, including their career. You have to be able

The Ultimate Winter Activity for Each Zodiac Sign

What can we say about winter? It’s cold up here and the farther North we get, the longer it stays dark and the more clothes we have to pile on. For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, we may dread the snow and ice that comes in December (and

Which Hogwarts House is Your Astrology Sign Likely to Be In?

The archetypes of the stars, also known as the astrology signs, have long influenced writers of every genre. For all you Potterheads out there, if you’ve ever wondered which Hogwarts house your astrology sign is most likely to be in, wonder no longer! At Hogwarts, all first-year students go through

How to Use Today’s Horoscope as the Ultimate Stress Reliever

Today’s horoscope can be a window into your own emotional state, and if you know the nature of your sign, you can use today’s horoscope as a way to use each day’s unique energy to make serious headway towards your goals. Today’s horoscope lets you know how your mind will

What Hobby Should You Try in 2019 Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

You probably know certain zodiac signs are inclined to like certain things, so of course certain hobbies will appeal to some zodiac signs far more than others. Based on some very predictable personality traits and the characteristics of the element of each sign, we can pinpoint rather accurately the types

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