Pisces Articles

New Moon in Capricorn Solar Eclipse Horoscopes to Launch Epic Beginnings

It’s eclipse time, Beloveds! Some people dread the eclipse energy, but as I say with retrograde energy, this is energy that must be embraced. When it is embraced, it gives us the power to create epic change in our lives. Change is what we want. But change is also something

Your Love Horoscope for Today & The Year Ahead

It’s nearly the new year, and many of us are asking the same question: Will love and life be happy this year? Romance and love are the biggest things we all are thinking about at this time of year. This is true no matter what our relationship status is right

What Holiday Gifts to Avoid Giving, Based on the Zodiac Sign

Most of us look forward to the holiday season; after all, there are so many great parties, events and opportunities to eat our faces off while celebrating with the people we love most. There are those who seem to give the best presents year after year, consistently dazzling their Secret

Is Your Sun Sign Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed & What Does That Mean?

In astrology, the 12 zodiac signs are divided into 3 groups (each having 4 signs) based upon the sign’s quality. According to astrologer Joanna Martine Woolfolk, “the quality signifies the sign’s interaction with the outside world.” There are 3 qualities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Understanding what each quality means can

Venus Direct in Libra: Creating Relationship Harmony

Time for some sweet lovin’, friends! We have Venus switching direction and ready to take on some forward action in one of her home signs. Lover and money planet Venus rules the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra, and she shines love and beauty on these signs all year round.

Chiron & Emotional Health: What Wounds Is Your Zodiac Sign Really Dealing With?

There’s one little planet or astrological body that doesn’t get enough attention. That would be Chiron, our Wounded Healer and Synchronicity King that makes himself known in your daily life, whether you know it’s happening or not. So today we are going to look at Chiron, and see how this

The Girlfriends’ Guide to a Compatibility Calculator

Did you know you can use an astrology compatibility calculator to understand why you get along with some friends easily and have a go of it with others? An astrological compatibility calculator can be used when you first meet someone and after you’ve known them for a long time, and

Should You Read Your Rising Sign’s Horoscope?

Have you been reading the wrong horoscope? It’s possible! Let’s look at why reading your Sun sign horoscope might well be less accurate than reading your Rising sign‘s daily horoscope. We will even take it one step further by considering a theory in Vedic astrology which purports that we are

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