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outstretched hand holding a spread of brown tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 22nd – 28th, 2024

This week, honesty is key. A Full Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd will bring our emotions into focus, helping us connect with some of our most authentic inner desires and feelings. Plus, Mercury goes direct in Aries on the 25th, ending our time in this intense retrograde and propelling

You NEED These 6 Crystals for Taurus Season

April brings with it the season of Taurus, which also bestows calming and stable energy, which many may welcome after the chaotic and Fiery energies of Aries season. What does this mean for us? Well, Taurus is a sensual Earth sign and likes to indulge in the pleasures of life.

Get to Know Your Current OR Future Partner With This Tarot Spread

Tarot is a brilliant tool for a number of distinct and personal purposes, but many of the most popular questions revolve around romantic partnerships, love, commitment, and compatibility. The heart can be a mysterious thing. When we are craving clarity, understanding, or new perspectives, the cards can help us cut

woman with her hands on her head looking distressed

This is Why You’re Stressed, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone copes with stress differently. Some people meet it, rising up to the challenge as if they have something to prove. Other people fall apart. You might be the sort who sits down and analyzes it—or maybe you laugh in its face! Did you know that your chart might be

woman with afro with closed eyes looking serene surrounded by lush greenery

Here’s Exactly How Each Zodiac Sign Can Prepare for Taurus Season

Are you ready for Taurus season? The Sun will be moving out of dynamic Aries and into the sensual sign of Taurus on April 19th, 2024. Those with Taurus Sun, Taurus Rising, and Taurus Moon in their chart will be familiar with Taurean qualities already: a love of creature comforts,

You NEED These 7 Crystals to Get Through Mercury Retrograde

You probably know by now that in the astrology world, Mercury retrograde tends to have a pretty bad rep. When the planet of communication appears to be going backward, it sets all the “normal” stuff in reverse: miscommunication, lack of understanding, technological glitches, anything and everything just going wrong. However,

pair of hands writing information on a piece of paper showing a birth chart

Your Ultimate Guide to Birth Charts

​Do you read your horoscope or articles about your sign and think, “I don’t identify with that at all?!” This tells us a few things about you: Astrology involves many, many layers, and many of us don’t realize that our Sun or zodiac sign is only the top layer of

pile of black tart cards on a table with candles

You Pulled the Knight of Swords Tarot Card – Now What?

The second court card in the swords’ suit is the Knight of Sword, and here, we have an energy that oozes confidence, dynamics, and fearlessness. The Knight of Swords is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, he is bold, righteous, loyal, and determined. On the other, he is egotistical,

Can THIS Astrological Transit Actually Make You a Better Lover?

On April 5th, 2024, seduction heats the bedroom when the planet of love, Venus, meets bold and vibrant Aries. You can expect to feel renewed with confidence, enthusiasm, magnetism, and zeal. Venus in Aries gives a new meaning to love by bringing your wildest passions, inner desires, and sexual energy

four women in business suits standing together

How to Find Your Perfect Career Path With Numerology

What is the definition of the perfect job? Is it a job that pays well and doesn’t challenge you at all? Or is it a position that helps you grow as an individual and find your passion in life?  The truth is, one of the biggest features of the perfect

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