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What You Need to Know About this Week’s Full Moon

Whether you’ve already been having an emotional and spiritually potent year or not, the Full Moon in Pisces is ready to bring those themes to the forefront here and now. The Full Moon represents the completion of a lunar cycle, and it always focuses on bringing to fruition those things

pair of hands holding up an array of blue tarot cards beside an assortment of candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 28 – September 3, 2023

Ready to make waves? Uranus retrograde will begin in the Fixed sign of Taurus on the 28th, slowing down our roll and demanding that we make peace with changes that have already taken place in our lives for now. Afterward, the Full Moon in Pisces on the 30th will help

man and woman sharing a kiss in front of the ocean

Your Essential Mars in Libra 2023 Horoscopes

When you think of Mars, a few key phrases might come to mind: Aggression, ambition, motivation, and passion, just to name a few. But did you know that Mars, like each planet in astrology, takes on the qualities of whatever sign it happens to be passing through at any particular

hand holding a blue tarot card forward

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 21 – 27, 2023

Buckle in — this week is jam-packed with events you won’t want to miss. Virgo season will begin on August 23rd, the same day that Mercury retrograde in Virgo will also kick off. That’s a whole lot of Virgo energy taking up our time. If you haven’t been feeling organized,

6 “Scary” Tarot Cards That Are Actually Positive

The Tarot can be a magical and enlightening experience, but if you’ve ever even so much as flipped through a deck, you know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows! Tarot cards like The Tower or Death regularly can turn heads and stop our hearts when they appear in a spread.

Have You Heard of The 2-Card Cross? Try This Tarot Spread Today

There are times when you want to spend an hour on a Tarot reading, choosing the perfect spread to get to the heart of your concerns, carefully working through every card and aspect of your question, and digging into layers of meaning. But there are other times when you just

an array of blue tarot cards spread out on a blue table

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for August 14 – 20, 2023

Your week can never be drab or too predictable when it contains a New Moon. This week’s New Moon in Leo takes place on the 16th, especially helping creatives branch out to envision new artistic heights. We may overall be feeling more expressive and ambitious. As we’re still undergoing a

hand over top a spread of black tarot cards on a white cloth covered with red candles

You Pulled the 9 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

One of the most desired cards in the Tarot, the 9 of Cups, rarely fails to bring a smile to our face when it appears in a reading! This is the card that represents getting what you wished for! This is the card that represents sensuality, desire, joy, happiness, and

The Top 10 Crystals to Attract Money & Wealth

While money isn’t everything in life, it’s nearly impossible to deny its importance in our lives. After all, it makes the world go around, meaning that having more can lead to increased opportunities and new experiences. Some of us may feel a stronger pull to achieve financial freedom than others,

the number 8 surrounded by an array of flowers

What Does Angel Number 8 Mean?

If you’ve been seeing the number 8 more frequently than usual, and you know somewhere deep inside that there is a reason for it, pay attention! The Universe is sending you a message. Angel numbers appear in our lives as messages and guidance from our angels and the universe to

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