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woman in a black dress dancing freely through a green forest

The MOST Important Astrological Transits in the Second Half of 2023

We’re coming close to the halfway point of 2023, so now is the perfect time to start preparing for the major astrology coming in the second half of the year. It may not be as challenging as the first half, thankfully, so we can look forward to that! THE Most

blue tarot cards spread across a white wooden table with candles and a blue velvet cloth

Your Weekly Tarotoscope May 22 – 28, 2023

This week, you can catch your breath. The biggest thing on the horizon, for now, is the First Quarter Moon in productive Virgo, taking place on the 27th. This is a good time for setting intentions, making plans, and orienting yourself properly for your dreams and goals. However, in general,

The Ultimate Guide to New Moons

So, you know the New Moon is approaching once again, and you’re sure that the Universe holds a special message within the ebb and flow of the lunar cycles – but what is it? Each lunar cycle lasts 28 days, and within those 28 days, the Moon waxes and wanes.

stack of blue tarot cards on a blue table surrounded by candles and blue and green jewelry

Your Weekly Tarotscope for May 15 – 21, 2023

Feeling lucky? The stars may have a bit of good fortune in store for you this week. A hot variety of Taurus energy is in the works as Jupiter — the planet of expansion and luck — will move into this steady, sensual sign on the 16th. This change will

woman with red eye shadow holding up pink and white roses

THIS Intense Transit is FINALLY Turning Direct

Have you been metaphorically wringing your hands and pulling out your hair during the challenging, often stressful Mercury retrograde period we are experiencing? While every astrological transit serves its purposes and teaches us a certain lesson, Mercury retrograde can be one of the most frustrating times of the year—and it

hand adorned with rings holding out a selection of colourful tarot cards

You Pulled the Hanged Man Tarot Card – What Now?

Right after the Justice card comes the twelfth card of the Major Arcana. It is the Hanged Man. Like the Death card, the Hanged Man can appear ominous to some as it portrays a man hanging upside down and, in many decks, a rather grim grey background. The Hanged Man

Angel Number 55 & What It Means for You

Have you seen these angel numbers – 111, 222, 333…555….999? Are these invading your everyday? Doesn’t it feel special to be bombarded by these numbers? Maybe you even feel like “the chosen one,” and the heavens are speaking to you! Well, guess what! You are special, and yes! The heavens

pair of hands shuffling blue tarot cards

Your Weekly Tarotscope for May 8 – 14, 2023

You may not be ready to believe that we’re nearing the midway through May, but this week is undoubtedly ready for you. We’ve been dealing with the effects of Mercury retrograde in Taurus for a hot minute, but this week we’re closing things out with this communicative celestial body going

two people, one with long black hair and one with short curly blonde hair, standing together back to back

Your ESSENTIAL Love Horoscopes for Venus in Cancer

Have you been craving a shift in your love life? It’s time to get ready for change because Venus is moving into the loving, nurturing sign of Cancer on May 7th, bringing markedly different energy. When Venus – the planet of beauty and love – is in the domestic sign

woman with long black hair and glasses staring ahead in question

These 6 Zodiac Signs Are the Smartest

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. From sexual appeal and attractiveness to adventurousness and openness, there are various traits across all zodiac signs. While each zodiac sign has strengths and weaknesses, when it comes to intellect, there are a few that are smarter than the rest. So,

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