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us election astrology

The SHOCKING Astrology of the US Election: Donald Trump & Kamala Harris

The world is pretty wrapped up in the U.S. presidential election, and we’re now looking at choosing between Republican nominee Donald Trump, who seeks to win again after losing four years ago, and Democrat Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and unexpected nominee after President Joe Biden opted to end

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Can the Tarot Tell Me Who My Soulmate Is?

Whether in pop culture or casual conversation, there is undoubtedly a kind of reputation and mystique to the phrase “soulmate.” What does it mean? How do you find one? And what exactly should you be looking for? Much like the concept of a soul mate, the Tarot also finds itself

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Why People Are Jealous of You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Every single person has a great quality or trait that they exude as they go through life. You can be proud of the traits or abilities that come easily to you and envious of those characteristics that other people seem to have that you wish you possessed. Today we are

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Read Your Transformative November 2024 Abundance Forecast

November is a time of balance and renewal, where every thought and intention can manifest in your relationships, career, health, and spiritual growth. Magic and mystery set the tone as we enter a transformative month overflowing with abundance. Whether you are aiming to improve yourself or to achieve success, aligning

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Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 4th – 10th, 2024

As the first full week of November rolls around, there are a couple of essential themes and energies we’ll be holding close to our chest. For one thing, autumn energy is in full swing — spiritually, a time of harvest and slowing down. Now is the time to reap what

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5 Halloween Rituals for When Negative Energy Attacks

As the weather begins to chill, so do our bones. It’s that time of year again – Halloween – and you may already find yourself gravitating towards the spookiest shows on Netflix or ensuring you’ve got an extra light in your bedroom due to all those things that go bump

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Your November 2024 Numerology Forecast

In Numerology, November 2024 is a Universal Month number 1, a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and bold action. This energy arises from the sum of the month and year—1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4—which equals 10, reducing to the single digit 1. The

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Your Weekly Tarotoscope for October 28th – November 3rd, 2024

The spookiest of the week is here, and you won’t want to miss what the cards have to say! Halloween isn’t even the main event that necessarily requires our attention. Actually, keep your eye on the New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st of November, stirring up all sorts of

pair of hands dealing black tarot cards on a black table covered with white candles

A Samhain Tarot Spread for Spooky Season

Before we delve into our sample Tarot reading to celebrate spooky season, we must learn about the celebrations at this time of year. Your first reaction is a common one: “Well, it’s Halloween or All Hallow’s Eve!” You’d be correct; however, there are other traditions at the root of this

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