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10 Crystals to Promote Positivity This Holiday Season

Crystals and gemstones have been around for ages, and it’s no surprise that using them can bring a multitude of different benefits. Since the dawn of time, their beauty has been crafted by Mother Earth in the depths beneath our civilizations. People have cultivated, mined, cut, and perfected crystals to

Make Sure You’re Prepared for 2022 Eclipse Season with this Helpful Guide

A transformative, powerful eclipse is just around the corner! Are you ready? Each year, we experience myriad Solar and Lunar eclipses, each one bringing with it differing, changing energies. With one eclipse just around the corner and many others to come our way in 2022, this may be the perfect

Get Lucky With New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Each month, we experience the refreshing and transformative energy of the New Moon. And each month, that magical, mystical New Moon takes place in a different sign of the zodiac, meaning that it brings with it its own unique and exhilarating energy. We’re here today to talk about the New

A Tarot Reading to See What the Rest of 2021 Holds

For many, 2021 has been a year of building and rebuilding. After the seismic effects of 2020, this year has provided some opportunities to grow, expand and reach outwards. This has been a transformative year too. The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provided a considerable shake-up for everybody,

What Oracle Deck You Should Buy, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

They’re sweet, they’re in touch with your intuition, and they’re easy to read — they’re Oracle cards, and they’re a staple of many modern diviners’ deck collections! Chances are, you’ve already heard of an Oracle deck, but if you’re finding yourself stumped at the word, know that if you’re a

The Best Way to Relieve Stress, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

You can learn a lot about yourself by understanding your Chinese Zodiac sign. Whether it’s knowing what essential oils are best for you or how to deal with others in the workplace based on their Chinese Zodiac sign, exploring this ancient branch of astrology is undoubtedly always a worthwhile cause!

Use This Tarot Spread to Find Universal Guidance

Tarot can be a wonderful tool for so many situations, challenges, questions, and reflections. Offering guidance, awareness, fresh insights, and powerful truths, the cards have a way of cutting through the crap and helping us see things a bit more clearly, from different angles and new perspectives. While it’s sometimes

10 Affirmations for Adventurous Sagittarius Season

Buckle in for a wild ride! Sagittarius season stops for no one, and you may feel the heat of the wild archer’s fire roaring in without a clue as to what to do with it. As fun and adventurous Sagittarius energy can be, it undoubtedly can shake up your world

A Spiritual Moon Ritual to Survive the Lunar Eclipse This Week

Do you want to be done and done with Scorpio season already? The skies are whispering, “not so fast!” for here comes this year’s final eclipse season. Mark your calendars for a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19th. It’s an energy that is sure to shake up

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 15 – 21, 2021

Are you ready for a sense of transformation, relief, and exciting new energies? Then let yourself get excited because the stars are shining a light on hidden information, revealing buried emotions, and bringing positive, uplifting energy your way! The week begins slowly, and while there are only two major transits

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