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Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 2 – 8, 2021

Have you been waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask the Universe for your deepest desires? Then you need to pay attention to your thoughts and actions this week because the magnetic energy heading your way is nothing to be missed. While we experience only one major transit this week,

What Dog Breed Are You, Based on Your Sign?

It’s been suggested the first wild dog was domesticated close to 15,000 years ago–which just proves how long mankind has been fascinated by our canine companions. We’ve shared resources and living space over time until dogs evolved from mere guardians and useful tools to beloved members of our family. At

10 Feisty Affirmations You Need for Leo Season

It’s Leo season! This transit only happens once per year while the Sun meets this Fire sign and will leave us with brightened perspectives! Leo season is a great time to ride the waves of positivity that the cosmos are offering us to make some much-needed changes in our lives.

What is Your Descendant in Astrology?

Every part of your birth chart shows something about yourself and your life, and each position rules something different. The three aspects of your Primal Triad– your Sun sign (your inner self), your Moon sign (your emotional self), and your Ascendant sign (your outer self)–forms the basis of who you

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 26 – August 1, 2021

Are you looking for fun yet clear communication with a side of practical motivation? Then this is your week because the stars are bringing two magical transits your way this week that will help clear up communication while giving your sense of ambition a boost! And while this may seem

8 Ways to Live Fabulously Fierce When the Sun Enters Leo

Break out your dancing shoes and dust off the microphone because it’s Leo season – the time of year when you feel alive with playfulness, positivity, and a bit of pride – and that’s reason enough to celebrate! Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is we love so

Make Love & Romance Sizzle with Passionate Venus in Virgo

On July 21st, 2021, Venus enters earthy and practical Virgo, which takes us down a notch from the wild passions of Leo and provides us a little more clear-thinking in the realm of romance. Leo brings out our wild side, no doubt, and the conflicts and harsh words of the

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 19 – 25, 2021

Have you been searching for the perfect combination of optimistic expression, grounded love, and eccentric release? Then you’d better hold onto your metaphorical hat because this week, the stars bring three radically different transits that somehow blend together to shake things up and help us let go of anything no

What Your Sign Says About the Way You Love

One of the greatest thrills in life is taking steps to discover who you truly are inside: astrology can tell us so much about ourselves that we wouldn’t otherwise recognize. Not only can astrology open our eyes to personality traits found in our friends and family, but it can teach

Your Leo Season Money & Wealth Forecast

If you’ve been waiting for the energy and courage you need to take the next steps towards making your dreams come true, then it’s time to sit back and soak up the sunshine because Leo season is just around the corner – waiting to help you tackle the world and

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