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Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 19 – 25, 2021

Have you been searching for the perfect combination of optimistic expression, grounded love, and eccentric release? Then you’d better hold onto your metaphorical hat because this week, the stars bring three radically different transits that somehow blend together to shake things up and help us let go of anything no

What Your Sign Says About the Way You Love

One of the greatest thrills in life is taking steps to discover who you truly are inside: astrology can tell us so much about ourselves that we wouldn’t otherwise recognize. Not only can astrology open our eyes to personality traits found in our friends and family, but it can teach

Your Leo Season Money & Wealth Forecast

If you’ve been waiting for the energy and courage you need to take the next steps towards making your dreams come true, then it’s time to sit back and soak up the sunshine because Leo season is just around the corner – waiting to help you tackle the world and

You Pulled the World Card – Now What?

Who doesn’t like to pull the World Tarot card in a spread? It is rare for the World to crop up and have a negative meaning attached. It’s one of those cards where, regardless of the subject matter, you think, “Yesssssss!” The World is the last card of the Major

Healing Crystals for Each of Your Chakras

Are you aware of the awesome powers of your own body? Specifically, the chakras – invisible fields of energy – that exist within your body at all times? Each of our bodies contains seven major energy points that, when balanced and aligned, spin like wheels of energy within the body.

4 Beginner Tarot Practices to Level Up Your Readings

​Have you just started to dive into the mystical world of the Tarot? Or perhaps it’s been something on your mind, but the overwhelming amount of information to begin makes it daunting to start? Well, no matter the status of your current blossoming relationship with the Tarot, there’s always room

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 12 – 18, 2021

​Are you ready to soak in some good vibrations? Have you been waiting for a week of positivity and light? Then this is your week to shine because the planets bring some positivity and light our way this week! There are no major transits this week, but the transits we

You Need to Watch Out for These 3 Major July Transits

​With sweet, emotional, and empathetic Cancer season taking up most of July, you may think that things can’t get more intense. In July, we can expect some standard astrological themes, like Cancer season making up most of the month and Fire-led Leo season, which is still emotional, but in a

The Best Superfood for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

​Have you ever wondered what the best superfood for your Chinese Zodiac sign is? You are in luck because this article will tell you the secrets of the best superfood for your Chinese Zodiac sign! Naturally, all of these superfoods are “from the Earth,” so to speak. The Chinese Zodiac

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 5 – 11, 2021

Are you feeling uninspired when it comes to your goals and manifestation skills? Ready to amplify your power to attract everything you want in your life? Then it’s time to perk up and let your intuition reign because this week brings just the energy you need to bring your focus

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