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The Connection Between Numerology & Crystals

One of the most wonderful aspects of working with metaphysical tools such as numerology, astrology, and crystals is the fact that these tools can easily be used together — and when they are, their healing properties and clarifying abilities are more enhanced than ever! One of the most potent (but

Weekly Astrology Forecast: May 10 – 16, 2021

If you’ve been craving abundance and new opportunities, then you’ll be thrilled about the celestial happenings that are in store for you this week! The stars are bringing some unbelievably fortunate transits your way, encouraging you to take the metaphorical bull by the horns and get ready for a wild

You Pulled The Sun Tarot Card – Now What?

The planetary Sun nourishes everything around us and illuminates the shadows in our lives. It has this in common with the 19th card in the Major Arcana: the Sun! The Sun Tarot card always brings good vibes in a reading (unless surrounded by grim cards or cards sending a grim

5 Bad Omens to Watch Out for in Your Dreams

Have you ever had a stressful dream and thought to yourself, “was that dream trying to warn me of something?” If so, it’s likely your theory is correct. Dreams about bad omens are not as uncommon as you may think. It’s important to pay attention to your feelings after waking

A Juno Retrograde Tarot Spread

When we begin to explore the ways that asteroids influence and impact our natal charts, there tends to be a handful that are the most popular and the most written about. Sometimes called the goddess asteroids, most of these asteroids are traditionally connected to either love or femininity, and are

Your Taurus Season Money & Wealth Forecast

Taurus season is fast approaching! Soon, the Sun moves into Taurus, and we enter the season of steadfast energy, sensuality, and security. That means it’s time to get into your Taurus season forecast, specifically for money and wealth, so you’re fully prepared! This Taurus season starts April 19th and lasts

How Juno Retrograde Will Affect You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

We talk a lot about the planets going retrograde and the chaos that tends to come with it, but what about Juno? Juno is an asteroid and can be very influential when it comes to our relationships. Its direct movement symbolizes relationships that are fair, equal, and operate based on

The 12 Houses of Astrology: Understanding the Divine Wheel

The 12 houses of astrology have long been a subject of fascination for many people. The tradition of the wheel of life or fortune is present across all cultures, and almost all forms of astrology have their take on this. But what are the 12 houses of astrology, and what

These 6 Tarot Cards Predict Good Luck

We consult the Tarot every day for the widest range of things — our curiosities on love, the latest work drama, our lingering heartbreak, or whatever else may be on our minds. Among these deep, dark, and serious topics, though, we may also get an inkling of something much brighter

You Pulled The Hermit Card – Now What?

The Hermit is one of those cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot that can be baffling to many. Is it because, in many decks, a lone figure stands in the darkness holding a light of some kind? Is it because the Hermit himself just looks so mysterious that

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