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How to Harness the Power of the Grand Earth Trine

We have a very beneficial astrological occurrence coming in just a few days: a Grand Earth Trine! This is very positive energy that we can all tap into. It’s awesome energy available to us as we’re dealing with the major Aquarius energy (we still have an Aquarius stellium with Mercury,

What is a Past-Present-Future Tarot Spread?

Most Tarot readers, especially when they’re first starting out, want to use Tarot spreads to give their personal readings shape, depth, and structure. Using Tarot spreads can help us focus our intentions in a particular direction, formulating a question or digging into a challenge that makes it a little easier

A Self-Love Tarot Spread Inspired By Ceres

You may already be familiar with the planets and their role in the sky, but digging into asteroids can help you find deeper layers of meaning within your natal chart. Rather than trying to analyze all of them at once, spending time with each asteroid individually may help you understand

How the Year of the Metal Ox Brings Prosperity & Wellness

The Year of the Metal Ox is upon us, and it is worth thinking about how this year can benefit us in terms of our wellness and prosperity. The good news is that the Ox is one of those signs where prosperity follows naturally! The Ox’s Western equivalent in astrology

Do You Have One of These Supernatural Senses?

Whether or not you’re aware of them, each person on the planet has a degree of one or another psychic or supernatural sense – it’s all about determining yours and learning to listen to it. Extra-sensory perception, or ESP, isn’t something we’re taught about in schools, and as a result,

How to Woo Your Crush, Based on Their Venus Sign

Not everyone appreciates Valentine’s Day. I totally get it! Why be reminded that you’re single (if you are) or have to buy an obligatory gift or dinner out for your partner (if you are in a relationship)? All things considered, regardless of if it’s near Valentine’s day or not, what

Your Unique Love Language According to Your Zodiac Sign

What is the meaning of a love language? The way you express and receive love depends on the love language you and your partner use. Of course, each zodiac sign has a special way of expressing feelings based on their different personality traits! It’s important to note that not all

How to Work With New Moon Dreams

We all know there’s a bit of magic and mystery that exists within the cycles of the Moon, affecting everything from our emotions and feelings to our most personal dreams when we sleep. When it comes to the New Moon, the mysterious phase in the Moon cycle where the Moon

How to Build Your Bank Account, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

There is no doubt that the worldwide pandemic has hit everyone hard in one way or another. Financially, many people are facing some kind of struggle. Worry, stress, and concern have skyrocketed, and many are concerned about their finances, which are looking increasingly unpredictable and volatile. There is some good

All About Aquarius Rising in Esoteric Astrology

After the determination and world-building of Capricorn Rising, we come to the fascinating and Fixed sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is an intriguing sign in Esoteric Astrology, and this is mainly because of its Fixed and intellectual aspect. Esoteric Astrology is very much about the soul, so what happens when you

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