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7 Crystals to Ignite Your Inspiration & Imagination

Life can be challenging sometimes, and the stress and tension of everyday life can seem to drain our inspiration and squash our imagination. When life gets you down, it can be extra hard to find the motivation and creativity that we need to follow our dreams—and that’s where crystal healing

Happy Hobbies: At-Home Hobbies for Your Zodiac Sign

We are living in a time when people are exploring all kinds of new interests and hobbies – but for some, it can be a real challenge to know how to get started – with so many options, how do you know just which one you’d like to explore? Some

Need a Life Line? Try At-Home Palmistry

Life is beautiful, but it’s also filled with confusion and challenges. This is why it can be so comforting to turn to professional astrologers and palm readers to learn more about your path, your personality, and why you’re here on this planet. But how fun would it be to read

Tarot Numerology: How to Read the 5’s of the Tarot

A 5 in your Tarot spread can be an alarming or intimidating sight for most to see… but what if we told you that it isn’t as scary as you think it is? Fully breaking down and understanding the frequency and true meaning of a 5 in your Tarot deck

How You Deal With Change, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

How much do you know about your Chinese Zodiac sign? Perhaps as a Rat you know that you are witty and ambitious? Perhaps as a Rabbit you know that you are gentle and accommodating? Maybe as a Snake you know that you are philosophical and refined? However, there is much

The House Plant You Need, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Spring is approaching, flowers are blooming, and plants are coming back to life after a long, cold winter. Have you been thinking about filling your space with the healing energy of a house plant as the world begins to blossom around you? If you have, this guide is for you!

How to Get an Astrology Reading When You Don’t Know Your Birth Time

As you become interested in astrology, at some point you may think you’d love to get an astrology reading with a professional astrologer. You reach out, excited as can be, ready to learn more about yourself and your birth chart, only to find that since you don’t have a birth

Are Moon Phases Impacting Your Tarot Readings?

It’s no secret that the stars have a lot of say in how we may be feeling right in a certain time and place, showing us when and where we may experience a particular emotion and why, or even come across a kind of event or energy in our lives.

All About the 7th House of Partnerships in Astrology

Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again with the people in your life? Do you ever wonder why you seem to attract (or be attracted to) the same type of person? We all do! But the answer may lie within your birth chart and, specifically,

Your Guide to Moonstone: Lunar Vibes

                                    The Moon is a mysterious, powerful force in our lives. An ancient entity, the Moon bestows us with wisdom, and it influences our emotions much like it controls the tides of the

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