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Your Guide to Yes/No Tarot Spreads

It’s no secret that asking the Tarot yes or no questions can be difficult, but it’s unfortunately also no secret that it is likely one of the first things you might try as a new reader or a curious querent. We all might know that a strong question is likely

Which Planet Rules Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

We know the planets in Western Astrology each rule one of the 12 signs in the zodiac, but which planets rule each sign in the Chinese Zodiac? To find this out, we need to look at the Western counterpart to each Chinese Zodiac sign. The Chinese Zodiac, just like the

4 Simple Oracle Card Spreads for Deep Intuitive Insights

Deep intuitive insights are one of the most valuable things we can have when choosing which path to take in our career, who to date, and how to maintain a sense of happiness in life. One way to get these insights is with the help of oracle cards. Now if

Tarot Numerology: 3’s of the Tarot

We’ve wrestled with the Aces, tackled the 2’s, and now find ourselves at the 3’s of the Tarot. Even though it may be true that trouble comes in 3’s, this is the point of the Tarot journey that can get the real magic cooking — where the real adventure begins!

Your Name & Your Destiny: The Numerology of Names

Did you know that your name reveals extraordinary things about your soul purpose and your destiny? Each letter of your name shapes your reality. Your name is actually a ‘vibration’ and this vibration resonates with you throughout your life because it identifies with your soul’s mission. It can seem a

Tarot Significators: What They Are & How to Use Them

If you’ve ever wondered, “what Tarot card represents me?” or are looking for a way to enhance your readings in a new way, or even have stumbled upon the concept of a significator and found yourself intrigued but confused, you may find that using significators within a Tarot reading may

8 Ways To Create More Wealth with Astrology

Have you ever wondered how you can attract more wealth into your life without taking on another job or playing the lottery every week? There is actually a way to do so which does not involve hoping to hit the jackpot or (and it’s best to avoid these) get-rich-quick schemes.

Rose Quartz: The Best Heart Healing Crystal

Rose quartz consistently proves itself as a favorite among crystal enthusiasts and there is a reason why. This powerful and nurturing crystal has extraordinary benefits, especially in the realm of love and relationships. Many lightworkers and energyworkers believe crystals take on personalities of their own. A black tourmaline piece can

What Your 1st, 5th, & 9th Houses Say About You

Astrology is a wonderful way to learn more about yourself and the world around you; but with so many factors, it can feel like an overwhelming subject for a beginner – or even for the more experienced student of the stars. Your birth chart contains many pieces of the celestial

Tarot Numerology: 2’s of the Tarot

Have you just pulled a 2 of something in a reading and find yourself unsure of how to read it? Starting to learn to read Tarot and find yourself stumped by the 2’s of Tarot? Or simply want a better understanding of how those tricky 2’s can impact a reading?

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