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How to Use Tarot During Meditation

​The benefits of meditation on our emotional wellbeing and intuitive capabilities have become more popular in recent years, but some of us still have a hard time sitting still with our (lack of) thoughts. If you find yourself getting anxious or restless when attempting to meditate or get into the

Taurus Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Taurus

With Taurus season coming to an end, it is important to recognize the personality traits and characteristics of those born under this sign. The Taurus woman is many things, but she is truly driven by what she values. The planet Venus rules Taurus, and this is where the Goddess of

A Cup of Tea for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

We all love a good cup of tea (and if you don’t, you clearly haven’t found the right tea yet). Tea drinking has been a staple in the human diet for a very long time; even wars have been started over tea! A fresh brew in the morning is one

Rune Stone Meanings: A 5-Minute Overview

It’s always intriguing to discover a new form of divination; after a while, using the same tools over and over again can start to feel a little predictable, or maybe isn’t yielding the right result. While it can be intimidating to start a new practice, when you open yourself up

How to Use the Tarot to Interpret Your Dreams

Can Tarot help us interpret our dreams? Yes it can! Tarot uses the same symbolic language as our dreams, so they’re the perfect tool for interpreting those tricky dreams that leave you feeling stumped or anxious. All dreams contain healing messages from your subconscious, which come through in a parable

How to Use Moonstone in Moon Rituals

The Moon and her energies are a mysterious, powerful force in our lives. She brings with her cycles shifting feelings and moods – the New Moon brings feelings of completion and then beginning, while the Full Moon encourages us to shed and let go of built up energies that might

Fire & Desire: Exploring Venus Through Your Birth Chart

It’s time to go deep when it comes to the game of love, friends! Going deep and exploring why you love the way you love is what understanding Venus is all about. As we know, every planet in the solar system has a set of themes and qualities attached to

Your 1-Stop Shungite Shop: The Shungite Crystal & Its Uses

Do you frequently feel exhausted or frazzled, like there are far too few hours in the day? In our busy, technologically-driven society, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained – and part of the reason might just be all of the electromagnetic waves surrounding us. Our planners are filled

How to Protect Yourself from the Psychic Vampires In Your Life

Psychic vampires may sound like something out of a bad horror movie, but the truth is that they are very real and, what’s more, they don’t necessarily have sharp teeth, drink blood, and sleep in coffins. Psychic vampires are all around us. But how do you spot one and how

The Basics of Astrocartography

​Have you ever traveled to a place you’ve never been to and feel like you just belong there? It could be tied to your birth chart! While most followers of astrology are comfortable with the classic methods of zodiac alignment, natal charts, and their influence on the spiritual self, those

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