How to Use the Tarot Articles

How to Use Tarot to Reveal Your True Feelings for Someone

Is there someone in your life that you are on the fence about? Perhaps you are drawn to them, but you really feel they are not right for you. Maybe you keep hanging out with them, but you just don’t feel really excited about the relationship. Emotional reactions can be

How to Use Tarot During Meditation

​The benefits of meditation on our emotional wellbeing and intuitive capabilities have become more popular in recent years, but some of us still have a hard time sitting still with our (lack of) thoughts. If you find yourself getting anxious or restless when attempting to meditate or get into the

Got Tarot Block? How to Bring Your Tarot Readings Back to Life

No matter how long you have been reading Tarot cards, no matter how many decks you have or how intuitive you are, no matter how connected you have felt to your cards as a reader, there comes a time for everyone where they experience the infamous ‘Tarot Block’. What is

How to Use Crystals to Enhance Your Tarot Readings

Tarot cards are a wonderful way to connect to our spiritual, intuitive nature and even energies around us. Alone, Tarot cards can give us glimpses into our psyche, our dreams, our relationships and careers. But, combined with the powerful nature of crystals, your Tarot experience can be amplified to reveal

A Guide to the 4 Tarot Suits: Cups, Wands, Swords & Pentacles

The Tarot is a tool that has been around for hundreds of years and is used for divination. It allows one to connect to the spiritual side of themselves to see how to heal on a deep psychological level so one can manifest more positive life experiences. Traditionally it was

How to Use the Tarot to Interpret Your Dreams

Can Tarot help us interpret our dreams? Yes it can! Tarot uses the same symbolic language as our dreams, so they’re the perfect tool for interpreting those tricky dreams that leave you feeling stumped or anxious. All dreams contain healing messages from your subconscious, which come through in a parable

The Bull’s Tarot: Tarot Cards That Represent Taurus

Did you know that every sign of the zodiac is represented by a card from both the Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot? We’re in the heart of Taurus season, so it’s the perfect time to ask which Tarot card does astrological sign, Taurus, correspond with? Let’s take a

You Pulled the Fool Tarot Card – Now What?

The first card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot is the Fool. There is a great deal of potential and innovation with this card. It almost stands in its own league with its implications of otherworldliness and the manifestation of what could be, as opposed to what is. The

The Connection Between Tarot & The Chinese Zodiac

There are many connections between astrology, both Western and Chinese astrology alike, and the Tarot. Above all, both the Tarot and the Chinese Zodiac seek wisdom and guidance from the same place: the astral plane. Astrology is a little more scientific as it focuses on the planets and elements, while

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